Mr. Oswald Tower, Editor Andover, Massachusetts Dear Ge¢ ‘eins ys Sues sei: lite oot Se: Lael thins ‘ate wes toe tographs, and so forthe . os ay se ae ie SD Se Erion etthy sitio 7 ms Gfradd we are going to lave to bo extreely disorest when 1% cones to the Ralph Morgan ei tuations : Jide So Deen bbe wees goed Srieod af udee bed the ahbien ae 5 ‘ game up in regard te the Big Six publicity when I sent John Ts @ copy of — Keith's opinions dJolm said he would eut off his right arm before he would have Ralph Morgan feo) badiy about not publishing some of his stuff.~ think the time wil} cone whon we will have to agree tint the rotation of this information sectionally is a goed thing, and when that is— Sas RY, Se ccine MAI) come Sa Cir, pteemen and X valtoww Nie aoe & lot of it will be deleted. , . el a : _ boliow the ronson that not!ing has boon done 1 bonause af the strong friendsiip of John Te with Mrs and Mres Morgans He writes me that — she was @ grand character and thet she passed on only a year or tw ago. zi ot ee es ee ee ee SS AS RAE FE, MO UST Ae the Ori tte } 1 id sen seuiliiinng (0 pos weed to AASk Wed Ae te a sonetine next year and have the matter placed on the agenda for the next — enmeal meotince i? you hawe not talwn it up with dolm Te please do not Jo it this year because he might think that I an trying to start some nove | ~ against it. I an note The only reason I mentioned it was because there | pong ig pag anager ingemerl gt eel op nePmonyaesyting yh erase of th ethan material westian Wy Hong wal som of the other sa | porous year coming De —* © very nlesant oy sumer : th a h aoe wise I omy TArector of Physical Bdueation and Recreation ite _: Besletball Coach —