escort. gent tetodige of ‘talldng about the Harvard Club \ Now, for the nore pleasant correspondences No, the hot weather has not got me dom a bit, and Mrs» Allen is — feeling better, perhaps, than she has in yearse Our con, ee eee ee ee eee in the laboratory in the chemistry building. T+ was deucedly hot, and he, being @ much bebter student than ees his paternal side of the house, kept at 4¢ too longs As & sarmequmnen, be te reompematimy. tut A 18 authing aertionty — a . | sing: Kiham Sud Xess lichen: Walenta albania om, Ob streanliner for Chicago for the weekeend to visit our daughter Jane, thi is in the Chicago Art Institute. ‘Aidrecondi tioned — _ transportation and hotels will be a welcome reliof after events Shout Sus wicket vad Spinel Tonaan sentir Mai Tie Feeh of Che ener ian beet 8 Cedoend, hewevery - oa rss Allen will be delighted to hear from yous How | often she speaks of you as the perfect host and the , and the luncheon you gove us + and Jimmy Walker, and lis Lincoln + wo, all of the tig boys, “svoh ta the attorney” tat wee the Pulitzer will, Se a Ait, Sad 1 quien eho wae Wight, aan she?’ | : with et good wishes to you and youre, and with Kindest te ee 3 Very sincerely yours, Cs birestor of Physi shnotion and Recreation, POA ee ee