April 14, 1941 : Mre John Te Doyle. Editor, American Sports Publishing Co. 19 Beelaman Street New York, New York stealer It was very generous and thoughtful of you for enclosing the photographs whith appeared in the Basketball Guides Yes indeed, I am very happy to have some of these photographs beoause they are of teans in our sections . There is one photograph here that is rather pleasing to me because it is of the University of Southern California and also one of Indiana. I am sure that Mree Allen will want these lor Bob's books She has been saving the clippings, and since the story was ashen last Secember in the Saturday Svening Post about Bob's activities in that game two years ago, I am sure she will prize these pictures very mudhse Bob expetts to study Medicine at the University of "ennsylvania next yeare He has been accepted there and he is looking forward with eagerness to his enrolling next falle He gets his Asbe Degree here im June and we were delighted the other day to mow that he made Phi Beta Keppae He has had « very full life here at the University end , we ere hoping that his future is as full of promise as has been his past fow years of pleasant activity here on Mount Oreade I trust thet you and yours are well, With appreciation, I am, | Sincerely yours, f Director of “hysical rducetion and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coash FoAslg American Sports Publishing Company April 3, 1941 My dear Dr Allen Enclosed are some photos that appeared in the Basketball Guide. Being mostly from out your way, thought you might be interested. If not, file them in the wastebasket. Best wishes to you all. December 9, 1940 Mre John Te. Doyle Editor, American Sports Publishing Co» 19 Beelman Street New York, New York Dear Mre Doyles We have been able to secure another address for James Naismith which we hope is the correct ones This address is as follows: “re. dames S. Naismith §812 Dal las, Texas Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FUAsig AMERICAN SPORTS PUBLISHING CO. 19 BEEKMAN STREET * NEW YORK December 5, 1940. Dr. Forrest Ce. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Sir: We are sorry to trouble you again, but another copy of the Basketball Guide which was sent to Mr. James Naismith, 2555 Brandon, Corpus Christie, Texas, has been returned because of incorrect address. May we please have the correct address as soon as possible. Thank youe Yours very truly, AMERICAN SPORTS PUBLISHING COQ. Mre John Te Doyle 4Smerican Sports Publishing Coe 19 Beekman Street Sew York, New York Dear Mre Doyles After a long search we have been able to secure the correct addresses for the tro members of the Naismith family whose Basketball Guides were returneds fk These addresses are as follows: Mire. George Be Stanley 1043 Berkley — : Mre John Edwin Haiemith c/o Ford Garage Tonganoxie Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation . Varsity Basketball Coach AMERICAN SPORTS PUBLISHING CO. 19 BEEKMAN STREET * NEW YORK November 29, 1940, Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Sirs On November 4, we sent you the following letter and as yet have received no answer. "we sent copies of the Basketball Guide to the Naismith Family and two were returned. The book addressed to Mrs. George B. Stanley, Ordway, Colorado was returned and marked, “moved left no address". The book addressed to Mr. John Edwin Naismith, c/o Western Inspection Co., Walloway Bldg., Topeka, Kansas, was marked "Unclaimed", Will you kindly let us have their correct address by return mail. Thank youe Yours very truly, AMERICAN SPORTS PUBLISHING CO, NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. - NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. . Y.M. CA. ~ CANADIAN I. A. U. and A. B. A. NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES and CANADA CHAIRMEN OF SUB-COMMITTEES Vice CHairmaNn, F. C. ALLEN Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Executive Publication C , FLOYD ROWE Fiovp Rowe Oswato Tower Board oF Gluciien, Cleveland, Ohio Treasurer, H. JAMISON SWARTS i ‘ Univ. of Pa., Philadelphia, Pa. Research Questionnaire Secretary, H. V. PORTER aaiaiaiile ris “Sr 11 S, LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois Epiror, OSWALD TOWER Game Administration Andover, Massachusetts Sumner A. Dote October 14, 1940, Complete List of Committee Members "eo ea Dey F. CC. Allen, tawrence,Kensse =, University of Kansas, Oe hve. Lawrence, Kansas. New York, New York ON Oeineniiis D ear E ho £ : Boulder, Colorado J. H. Crocker Thank you for your kind letter of October 9, Univ. of Western Ontario ; London, Ont., Canada f) m ae af 7 + | Summer A-Dole ottege thanks also and congtvaulations for you fine Storrs, Connecticut artic le on Dr ° Naismith. Cc. S. Edmundson Univ. of Washingto: e Seattle, Washington Best wishes for another guceessful season, J. Mark Good Your schedule looks interesting, and tough, Sun-Gazette Co. Williamsport, Pennsylvania E. J. Hickox With kindest regards ° Springfield College Springfield, Massachusetts - : SS. arric ve. + Hamilton, Ont., Canada S incere ly your s 9 Frank P. Maguire CoC 46 N. Cameron St. . \ . ) Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Onn odd ‘ H. G. Olsen Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Curtis Parker Centennary College Shreveport, Louisiana G. Warren Phillips High School Hebron, Indiana H. V. Porter 11 S. LaSalle St. Chicago, Illinois Floyd A. Rowe Board of Education Cleveland, Ohio J. W. St. Clair Southern Methodist Univ. Dallas, Texas H. Jamison Swarts Univ. of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Oswald Tower Andover, Massachusetts AMERICAN SPORTS PUBLISHING CO. 19 BEEKMAN STREET * NEW YORK October 11, 1940 My dear Dr Allen Thank you for your letters, and the expressions of approval. Pleased, too, that friend Olsen liked the arrangement. Maybe when I see you some time I may have some other suggestions. The bugbear of expense is always confronting us, but we manage to keep that ogre fairly suppressed. I guess after all these years I can give an answer to anything that arises. Yes; it was nice of Os to give me an accolade, and he was right about my leaving it out except for a reason. "Rody! as we call him, has been with me a long while, and I thought it was about time he got some recognition, so I wrote that paragraph about hin, unknown to Ossie. The latter was was very much pleased, however, when he read it, and said he would have liked to have put it in himself but he did not wish to do anything that might affect the personnel of our place, So, 10 was all right. I saw Hon C McB at world series, and had a pleasant visit with him. He said next season he will write the article. You can do the rest. oe Well, thank you ek. Dr Allen, for your fine letters, and with my best, as always, for Mrs Allen, yourself and | _ family-- Faithfully yours — Ostober 9, 1940 Mre John Te Doyle, Editor American Sports Publishing Company 19 Beekman Street lew York, New York adler a wight 1 pend tis Wesdertal tribete tant lak Pelee yoke pone. I had not read it before or I would have mentioned the fact in an earlier letters I think it is a wonderfully well deserved tribute, and coming from @ man like Oswald Tower it is 100% genuine, . I am glad that some people do appreciate —— that you have dones : Again congratulations and many happy returns of the BYo 2 Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation : Varsity Basketball Coach POAslg October 9, 1940 indeede ; I wrote Mr. Doyle congratulating him on the fine tribute that you paid him, and now I congratulate I am happy that you have learned to appreciate this wonderful mans li g il s . : for the bouquet you paid me. In my long and close association with Dr. Naismith I found - some very wonderful qualities in the mn who thought. of everye body else before ho thought of himself. I think the Guide was gotten up splendidly, and lego ea a ng main With «1 good wishes to you and yours, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FOAsig - ar SS ‘ +N Ag I fina that I failed to send you the mmnes and addresses of the Naismith fenily. You wanted to send them a conplimentary Sopy of the Official Basketball Guides Their addresses are as | follows: es : fo 2 : _ Epes Plorence Naismith, Nousemother, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Ue of Nebs Era: Qunes Maismith, 2555 brandon, Corpus Christie, Texas irse Thomas Le Daw, 1006 Forrest Strect, Topeka, Kansas — Urse George Be Stanley, Ordway, Colorado . , - irs John Edwin Naismith, c/o ee enon Company, — Welloway Building, Topeln, MirSe Lelie Dodd, 1344 Flora Street, St.» Louis, Missouri ae ¥ Inow that they will appreciate your thoughtfulness end ___1 received a letter from Tarold Olsen the other day and a. he is wildly enthusiastic about the swell gob thet you did on the Guides While I have told you I thought it was splendid, I am further = _.., _Olsen was tickled pink over the fact thet you gave the spot was further appreciated by the chairman of the NeCeAele Basketball Again I say congrats, cherrio end good health to yous oo Director of ical Education and Recreation FCAsig — ity Ba: 1 Coach September $0, 1940 Wire John Doyle, Editor American Sports Publishing Company 19 Beekman Street ce tee ae Tek Dear lire Doyles | Thank you very much for your favor of the 26th instant in mailing me the advanced publicity on the Spalding Guide, filled with basketball data, We have not as yet received the Guide, but Tere rtee ee es Se ering we the atmeaned publicity has made me doubly and OUB We will acknowledge receipt of the same with thanks as soon as it comes to my deske Wath all good wishes, I am, : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Saucation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig AMERICAN SPORTS PUBLISHING CO. 19 BEEKMAN STREET * NEW YORK Sept 26 940 My dear Dr Allen Thought you would like to see a reference to yourself in a notice that appeared today in the Herald-Tribunee-% (t+914-9 ° A CY i ges a ie 4 : > Sf Ldn Fo A he atch a 4 ie Fhe ie f eo a a # ¢ wo i Aj Co ri , vs Z U wo GUIDE ISSUED in All ‘Sections, Reviewed bore Publication | Containing reviews of play in all | sections of the country as well as Canada, in addition to the usual educational data and illustrations, {the annual Spalding Official Bas- ketball Guide has just come from the press. The book explains the various changes. in the playing code of the National Basketball Committee of the United States and Canada. Among the features is a tribute to the late Dr. James Naismith, in- ventor of the game, by Dr. Forrest C. Allen, director of physical edu- cation and recreation at the Uni- versity of Kansas. Oswald: Tower, editor of the guide, has ‘written an article trac- ing the history of the rules and telling about the governing bodies individuals who have helped Spalding Guide Filled With Basketball Data . The Spalding official basketball guide for the 1940-41 season came off the press yesterday and among) -other things- contains the several changes in the playing code of the, National Basketball Committee. As) in previous years, the guide contains reviews from all sections of the! United States and Canada, educa tional data pertaining to the game; and numerous illustrations. One of the special articles in the guide is a tribute to the late Dr. .James Naismith, inventor of the game, by Dr. Forrest C. Allen, direc- .tor of physical education at the ‘University of Kansas and _ vice-| oo of the National Commit- -. tee. AMERICAN SPORTS PUBLISHING CO. 19 BEEKMAN STREET * NEW YORK August 28, 1940 My dear Dr Allen Thank you for your letter,and° its encomiums, Sorry, but it is too late now for any actions. I thought, if there were any, that it might brighten the article aside from the groups. Dan Partner sent the matter, as I wrote previously, so I went ahead with the close of the whole thing. It seems to me that several portions of the book might be improved if people in various sections--those in charge--would attend to it, but as we do not collect the data, that being a function of the committee, there is a hiatus of history of the game in several sections. As an instance, we had nothing from the. Southern Conference, which embraces Duke, North Carolina, and. ae other teams of that section, so, sooner than have them left out, I wrote the story myself from data that had been sent in to us on our own blanks. Not being familiar with the teams, it resolves itself into drudgery in such cases. I trust you will have a nice time in Louisville. My son expected to be there over the Labor Day weekend but at the last minute the people with whom he was going from here were unable to go, so the party was called off. Otherwise he might have had the pleasure of meeting you. Thank you again, Pr Allen, and with good wishes for a pleasant trip repeated for you both-- Faithfully yours coher Jog h Mre John Te Doyle, Editor — aa Hew York, New York Dear Mrs Doyles Ang inquiry regarding the arrangement for the story seteup on the MeCelele thing JeTeDe does in the way.of a setuup would be highly satisfactorys — I mean that without any applesauce. I heave never seen ® man so. =§ desirous of pleasing everyone and doing a fine job aa you. So whatever for action pietures=-but never heard from him=xI quickly called.him over the phones Mac said that they never kept .action pictures of any kind | at this late date. I will lmow enough next time when action pictures Bau E d 3 ff 5 ; filmse Wi the RiceeKansas, the U.Seleslansas, and and let you take sone shots out of each that you might like? If you desire — that, we ean send on to you immediately, That is the best I know = t ane and Tare leaving for Louieville in to me will be prouptly handled Page Two With every good wish, I am, Sincerely yours, | a DAreotor of” Physical Bdueation wna nodieuiiCiin | | —S pen Coach FOAslg : ns a Pe ge ‘ i € ; hoe PeSe As a strong desire. to serve you I just called the anderson Photographic Bureau, the man who made the likeness of Dre Iaismith, the gloss ‘which I sent you, hoping that we could get action pictures from hime ee gee vernen: DISHUR OY WE WAT REAL: herve to rely on ‘isi ica srenet cp ee AMERICAN SPORTS PUBLISHING CO. 19 BEEKMAN STREET * NEW YORK August 23, 1940 My dear Dr Allen siete What do you think of this arrangement? There is a small introductory by Bresident Owens in which he menthons the tournament. I thought of making that the lead with a head in different type saying BASKETBALL IMPORTANT FACTOR IN NATIONAL RECREATION PROGRAM a aS ls aaa tg ee oar Then follow with Olsen's introduction, and for the next instalment--Oleen's heading is "Second National Collegi&te A.A. Tournament--put a different head on Dan P's account of the play, viz.: fd at be aca. i ble 2) Sobcal 3s pena eea nny INDIANA WINS FEATURE EVENT OF THE COLLEGE ARENA--THE N.C.A.A. ANNUAL TOURNAMENT The Eastern Trials can then bring up the rear. It was the break-up of heads that gives me most concern; otherwise e they will be prectically a repetition. a As I wrote earlier in the day, your wire and Dan P's : selection both came to hand. I am using Inadiana, Kansas, Southern California, Colorado ne and Rice photos in article, and in the tryout story, Duquesne = and Springfield. We never received a Bowling Green, but it oe does not matter. I wrote some time ago to Clyde to send me some action pictures of the tournament, but never heard from-- him--the so-and-so--Guess he flever received the letter; he is usuall y so prompt. | mS John Doyle PST RIE TT BL LTE aiScemenaneaae ime ms are . ee _— Sa a —_ mavens amen naan r . mee