Ur. Earl Le Palkenstien, Financial Secretary, ? K. U. Athletic Association. Dear Earls | This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 12th instant concerning our trip to Columbia, Hoe Will you kindly have the Ford serviced? We may drive back Wednesday night after the game. Of course we ere glad to make the trip in cars this tine, but you need net worry about any other trips with the team in cars - I am buying ® bicyclel Karl's good Dutch business sense came into play again, when we can save $20 to $30 on the trip by driving. | But I em doing it for the boys this time on account of final examinations. I won't give Farl another chance to save $20 or $30 on a trip - I'm doing it this time just for the boyse : 7 Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS January 12 * + § 4 8 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Dir. of Physical Education and Recreation - University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: In view of the fact that it is at this time impossible to get pullman service from Kansas City to Columbia, Missouri and return for the basketball team, which would necessitate the basketball squad being up all night Tuesday night and all night Wed- nesday night after playing the game at Columbia Wednesday night, I have discussed with Mr. Klooz the possibility of allowing you .01g per man per mile for the use of your car and one other, whomever you designate, and the University Ford. The round trip railroad fare from Lawrence to Columbia is $7.98, making a total cost of $95.76 for chair car fare. By using the University Ford and two other cars the cost can be held to $68.25, which is allowing for the ten basketball men, coach and trainer, and driver of one other car. This, of course, is includ- ing the University Ford. The exception is being made for this one trip only and is not to be taken as a new precedent as far as the payment of mileage for the use of private cars is concerned. Trusting this will be satisfactory, Very sincerely yours, /) C4 ia ae aah Falkenstien, Sec'ty U. of Kans. Phys. Edu. Corp. ELF: IW Dean George B, Smith, School of Education. Dear Dean Smith: The enclosed letter is self-explanatory. I have talked this matter over with the Chancellor. I am also sending copies of the letter to the Finance Committee of the Athletic Association - tn ee ee ee See Seen Sumner’. Direotor of Physical Mducation and Recreation, . Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Expense Account ~ Forrest C. Allen Trips made for and with Charley Black to get hin enlisted in Arny Air Corps Reserve, August 8th, to Kansas City, Kensas - Tom Van Cleave, Major wane tain . Private car, Buick -(2 x 42) 64 milws @ 5¢ per mile $4.20 Luncheons (3) @ 457 a | 1-85 Private oar, August 10th, to Leavenworth for physical examination for Chas. Black (2 x 26) 52 miles @ 5/7 per mile Meals - 2 @ 50g August 17th, to Kansas City, Kansas, with Chas. Black for his mental test - Private car (2 x 51) 102 miles @ 57 per nile Expense Account - Forrest C. Allen July 25 - Conference, Kansas City, Mo. ~ Harry Welah, Alumi representative of University of Missouri, re Great Lakes - Missouri game; also, C. %, McBride -- Private car (2 x 52) 105 miles @ Sf per mile $5.20 1.87 wot Luncheons - 2 duly 30 - Trip to Municipal Auditorium to see . Lou Lewer to arrange dates for basketball games “with Leavenworth, Camp Crowder, Olathe Air Base, ete.; Dorman O'Leary, Harry Welsh, Clyde %. McBride Private car - 98 niles @ 5¢ per mile $4.90 Luncheon ~ 2 | ——a.50 Expense Account - Forrest C. Allen frip to Kensas City, Missouri, to appear on Basketball Boosters Program, Hotel Muehlebach, November 50th, prior to Olathe “Clipper” - Kansas basketball game December 5, 1942; - - Railroad fare, Kansas City end return $1.76 Taxk ~90 Luncheon 1.10 Taxi ° 50 Varsity Basketball Coach. Dre KE. U. Athletic Association In account with Forrest C. Allens Five (5) only, copies of BETTER BASKETBALL textbook, — by Porrest C. Allen. Texts to be used as references for Varsity and Freshmen basketball players to aid Ceach Allen in teaching his players fundamentals. This is in part. necessitated by limited coaching personnel: B ~ @ $4.00 each . 2 ee ew ew es co « 9RO.00 Trip of K. U. Basketball squad to Kansas City, Missouri, December 5, 1942, to play the Olathe Air Base "Clippers". The teem returned Sunday. The following 26 men made the trip: Cosch Allen, Trainer Nesmith, George Dick, Don Blair, Larry McSpadden, Armand Dixon, Otte Schnell- bacher, John Buescher, Charles Black, Robert Fitzpatrick, Jack Ballard, Ray Evans, John Short, Bill Brill, Paul Carpenter, Jim Roderick, Bob Heaston, Bob Dole, Max Kissell, Warren Jacks, Stanley Hansen, 5111 For- syth, Hoyt Baker, Paul Turner, Gene Sherwood, Ed Linquist. Steak dinner, Saturday peme $29.60 Hotel, rooms ond after-gane meal — 96.75 Dean Nesmith | 5.11 Street car and taxi 4.20 Breakfast, Sunday GeMe 16.59 $150.25 frip of K. U. Basketball team, 15 members, to Kansas City — for Rockhurst game, December 11, 1942: Coach Allen, Trainer Nesmith, and 13 players made the trip, the team returning Saturday morning: Dinner enroute K. C. $20.63 Dean Nesmith 1.70 Hotel Muehlebach-pregame meal, 7 : after-game meal, breakfast 84.90 Street car, taxi . .. £200 Phone and incidentals 290 Varsity Basketball Coach — i i z: 3 ’ | a j i fi a ; i kit a : i baa iH i 4 Bs a Has a Dear Director Henry: Due to compulsory physical education for 1800 men sindedea of the University, our basketball practice period has been badly dislocated. It is not now possible for our boys to practice De eeacuan! as to the physical conditioning program. After they eat their meal at home we cannot afford to iiduace in strenuous backos ball eeetice until one hour at least has elapsed after their meal. The intramural program for men is upon us with a heavy demand for the os space every evening hour. Therefore, I am submitting to you a program of our broken practice periods eas I am making a recommendation that an allowance be made for a small expenditure to pay for meals that they cannot eat at home on account of these conflicts. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday the physical conditioning courses run from 8:30 in the morning until 5 YO in Whe avtchieen: Sots is teeny eae tee | 8+30-in the noming-until—12+20;—and—from-31+50-be—4130~inrthe-efterneen. therefore : hhrLitdh the soonest that we Goede get on the floor on Monday, Wednesday and Friday would be 5:20 or 5:30. And on Tuesday end Thursday atcwoutt=bex4:30, and sanbaturday afternoon at our former regular practice period, 3:30. The boys at their organization houses eat in the evening seme at 6:15 and some at 6:30. The soonest that we can practice without injury to them after a meal would be at 7:30. A two-hour practice would bring it to 9:30, and by the time the boys shower and get home it is after 10 Sieieee: This is too late to get much studying done and I fear their grades will er, Therefore, I would like to ask that a simple meal be served them after their Monday, Wednesday and Fridey practice. We could start after 5s get through at ts eat at 7:50, then the boys could go to their studies and get a good evening's work done. I have talked to Miss Zipple and she is unable to serve us because her cook leaves at 7 o'clock or before. I have shopped ee the Jayhawk Cafe at 14th and Ohio Street has made us an offer of 60¢ a meal for a small steak dinner. I have estimated the maximum number of men. We have af present 22, but I figure before long it may be, down to 20, and maybe to 16. Figuring a maximum of 20, this would be $36.00 a week, or $144.00 per month, and three months at the outside would be #432400. Figuring the times when we would be playing games away and also the Eastern trip when we — be away, we would out this down to $350 for the three months. This may seem dates a sum, but always during the Cast cieee vacation when the boys return for practice the meals have always mere paid for by the Athletic Association. So after all, this would be only an added expenditure of something better than $200 over last year's budget. It is my recommendation that this be done for the boyse Since he football ova had a training table, and a maximum of $1,000 annually was a allocated for this purpose, it seems to me that our basketball earnings each year ‘of over $5,000 would justify that. I believe we will make this amount again this year. If the es outlined prepram were carried out and the Athletic Association would. not pay for the meals, then the boys would be penalized and forced to buy their meals away from the house. This f they cannot afford to do. I am asking that you kindly submit this to the Athletic Board Je Anote Monday night meeting. I am sending copies of ‘this to Chancellor Malott, Professor Davis and Mr. Klooz so that the Finance Gusuittoe could consider it previous to this meeting. I will appreciate your presenting the same. Very cordially yours, Varsity Baskétball Coach. ir, Gwinn Henry, Director of Athletics, University of Kansas. - Dear firinns Concerning. our conversation regarding service nihieliet genie with Jack tenkier, formerly of Kansas State, who is now coaching the Gardner, Kansas, Aviation School, beg to state that we are plaming to play his Aviation School in Kansas City at the Municipal Auditoriua on December Sth. Gardner has made arrangements with the Municipal Auditorium managers for the date and we are to give the hall 20%, and oe ee split the pro- 30 that you could submit this to the Athletic Board at your pleasure. | Very sincerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Education, Versity Basketball Coach. Kr. Gwinn Henry, Director of Athletics, University of Kansas. Dear Mr. Henry: I am very happy to recommend the following men for their varsity letter in baseball for the spring of 1942. These base- ball players have shown a fine attitude in their training habits and cooperative epirit in playing their abbreviated spring base- ball schedule. ‘They have provided recreation for themselves and entertainment for their student followers, and at a minimal expense. Personally, I believe this effort on the part of the Athletic Association in expending this money to provide en opportunity for these boys te enjoy their skills has been worth while. I have been happy to contribute my small part in a supervisory way for the en- joyment of all soncerned. At a meeting in Columbia, Missouri, last night the boys un- animously elected Forrest “Knute” Kresie as the Honor Captain for this years Eresie has been a wonderful exemple by his fine, genial spirit and his fine training habits. fe is one of our out- stending students and leaders on the Hill. ‘Warren Hodges' fine example on visiting athletic fields in a competitive way has won many friends for Kansas. Forrest Kresie, Augusta Damy Brune, Lawrence Forrest Hill, Caspar, Wyo. Wershall Hulett, Platte City, Mo. Bob Innis, Pittsburg Larry Johnson, Port Scott Otto Teichgraeber, Gypsum Respectfully submitted, My. Ginn Henry, Director of Athletics, University of Kansas. Dear Gwinn: : I am giving you herewith the dates of our basket- ball schedule for next year, and ask that you kindly submit — the schedule to the Athletic Board for approval. — Mis@ uri at Lewrence Oklahoma at Norman Kanaas State at Manhattan Towa State at Lawrence Nebraska at Linceln Tewa State at Ames Nebraska at Lawrense Oklahoma at Lawrence Missouri at Columbia Kansas State at Lawrence Non-Cenference Games December ii Rockhurst College at Kansas City (tentative) b Creighton at Lawrence (tentative) Univ. of Iowa at Lawrence | St. Bonaventure at Buffelo, N.Y. Fordham Univ. at New York City Oklahoma A. & M. at Lawrence Great Lakes Naval team at Kansas City (Service game) Creighton U. at Omaha (tentative) Oklahoma A. & M. at Stillwater | I trust that the abeve schedule may have your approvel and that of the Athletic Board. Sincerely yours, - Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Expense account of Forrest C. Allen and 15 baseball players to Menhattan, Kansas, May 4 and 5, for two baseball games with Kansas State College. 7 The following men made the trip: Coach Allen, players Forrest Kresie, Warren Hodges, T. P. Hunter, Delmar Green, John Krum, Marshall Hulett, Dean Martin, Larry Johnson, Bob Imnis, Eugene Alford, Damy Brune, Irvin Hayden, Forrest Hill, Denzel Gibbens and Otto Teichgraeber. University Ford ...++see- a « « § od8 2 private cars, 92 mi. each way, 184 mie @ Gg per mile « $11.04 each car 22.08 Note: Cars driven from Lawrence to Menhattan hotel to stadium to dress, then to Griffith Stadium dow town, then back to Aggiwgille to dregs, then down town to hotel, hence mileage. Hotel, Menhattem ..«w.<«cceeretwves 16.00 Drinks and fruit after night game, | 202 a: piece see « « «ae 5,20 Gum (.50), phone (.40), incidentals C88) .« i786 MIG ws wn ca ee en en et © 6 we a 2 BOBS Total « «0 & e460 oe « whB7Telk Varsity Baseball Coach denunry 12, 1 M2. iy. Gwinn Hemy, Direstor of Athletics. Professor YW. We Davis, Chairman, Athletic Board. — Dear Friends: : ae "i a i ii ib qi i il ue : bit isi il bald ‘tii a ts ne : nirector of F Education and Recreation, : vecoiiy DusbeteatA eel Hneabekh Guede: ‘tant T have ronaitiy wet eae oe eee ont eee . ie Ty Cowles set ead fh eae, ee eee - December 29, 1941. . Professor We We Davis, 706 tiest 12th Ste, Dear metend We vi o8 | a iets teiieen Kennan ly ee Dis Peete had purported and reliable information concerning Gerald Tucker's eligibility status in his special story in’ the Star. He quoted the Big Six Conference rules to the effect that after four weeks of residence in an institution like Kansas State a player could ee ee ee ae be ahetie in two semesters as Gerald has done. Partner states that fucker was in residence at Kansas State seven weeks before transferring to Oklahoma. Dan further quoter the rule of. the Big Six which from any legical - precess of reasoning this fellow could not be eligible at Okla- homa for the first semester. They have already played him in five or six non-conference games and doubtless are anticipating playing him in the conference games. Their first conference _ game is against us here in Lawrence on January 6. From all the _ statements published out of Oklahoma they expect to use him. Dan also states that this question has been brought before the faculty representatives and the athletic directors, and to date nothing has been done. I am wondering if you could give me any information on whether this question has been brought . before the faculty PET for —— I am writing Mrs Gwinn Henry, ina Dhpestor. af at letics, asking that some recegnition ef this case be brought to the authorities if it is in order. I will appreciate hearing from yous e Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. March 26, 1942. Mre Gwinn Henry, Director of Athletics, University of Kansas. Dear Gwinn: I wish to recommend the following boys for freshmen . ‘basketball numerals for the 1941-42 season, ‘These boys have also been recommendsd by “Milton Allen, fresimen conche F Otto Schnellbecher 12.45 )/u