1595 - WESTERN UNION PRESS MESSAGE R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J.C. WILLEVER PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT Saturday-- Dear Phog:I hate to fail you butthere hs any other way oute I have no material from which to write the basketball and I did such a poor job last year from no available statistics that I simply don't want to repeat that failure againg I couldn't do the tm sketball story justice.I was away all of January and therefpre didn't follow the play and kept no records when I got &.eIt'!s different in football when I follow each week!s play ,see one of the games and keep the record of all othe is e I'm wondering why you don't make a play--and I'm hess a it-=--to Harold Keith at Norman,ask him to write the story for youeI would almost guarantee that he whihld do an impa@ fhal and swell job of it.Or would you prefer that I ask him to do it for me.Seems t@ me it would be a diplomatic stroke for you to ask him, saying if you wish that I suggestodit Hots a fir boy,a fine writer,follows the race closely and I believe would do you a good jobe I hate likell failing you but I dimply can't toe the mark. Wish you all could come by and see the Garden and uses somp tine ยข Best and: SS