Principal: John We Gates, Lincoln School, Topelke, Kansase Dear lire Gates: te weit ieclineniatah: veut at saan mk tether at the 17th instant. I em sending you a Ke Ue Newsletter the clinic exhibition on Seturday,December 3, at 2250 peme, and the gene thet night with the Warrensburg Teachers at 7230. ‘ Mrs Gwimm Henry, our Athletic Mrector, is out of tom. at the present time, but I am ver, sure that li. Henry would be very reasonable in any charge that might be made for those boyse I feel safe in saying that if you want to come down Tuesday night, the 29th, or Saturday, December 3, I am sure that he will mke a price as low as ten cents a piece for the boyse ee for the clinic demonstration in the afterncone If you decide to come please let me Imow at once and I will take the sntter up with ire Henry on his returns I feel safe a ee per boye sis nelle siete Kiemiiall he ei ein tet hain halves ahead of time, and have elready made some plans for the _gemes on the 29th and the Srd. If you would tell me what you had in mind regarding a special feature denonstration it might be that we could arrange to call ours off. i shall be glad to hear fram yotle f