TOPEKA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Topeka, Kansas — LINCOLN School Nov. 17 19 38 De. F.C. ALIGN, Lawrence. “Dear Dr. Allen - | With the financial support of the Topeka Optimist Club in the matter of suits, equipment, etc., I am sponsoring for the fifth and sixth grade boys of the school here a basket bakh league. Since we rather look upon K.U. as the basket bakk capital of this section of the country I am anxious to have them see your team in action as an inspiration for our work here. Last year I took my car full of boys on several occasions and they enjoyed the trips immensely. This year I want to bring the entire club of some 50 boys to one of your games, providing transportation can be taken care of. Since your freshman - varsity contest will probably leave you more seats than a regular game, I am taking the rather bold step of asking you for a snecial price for this group of boys for this game which I understand will be the 29th of Nov. If you care for a special feature bet anion halves of this game and do not have one arranged, I will be wery happy to have some of the boys put on a demonstration which I believe your audience will enjoy. I think you will find it somewhat more entertaining than the average basketball work for boys of this age.