UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS January 12 * + ยง 4 8 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Dir. of Physical Education and Recreation - University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: In view of the fact that it is at this time impossible to get pullman service from Kansas City to Columbia, Missouri and return for the basketball team, which would necessitate the basketball squad being up all night Tuesday night and all night Wed- nesday night after playing the game at Columbia Wednesday night, I have discussed with Mr. Klooz the possibility of allowing you .01g per man per mile for the use of your car and one other, whomever you designate, and the University Ford. The round trip railroad fare from Lawrence to Columbia is $7.98, making a total cost of $95.76 for chair car fare. By using the University Ford and two other cars the cost can be held to $68.25, which is allowing for the ten basketball men, coach and trainer, and driver of one other car. This, of course, is includ- ing the University Ford. The exception is being made for this one trip only and is not to be taken as a new precedent as far as the payment of mileage for the use of private cars is concerned. Trusting this will be satisfactory, Very sincerely yours, /) C4 ia ae aah Falkenstien, Sec'ty U. of Kans. Phys. Edu. Corp. ELF: IW