BASKETBALL CLInic elianiine 00 meee Hoch Auditoriua December 3, 1988 CB-B Patest > 2580 6 Bs00 Grestings fron Chanestlor Be le Lindley, of the Univer city of Kansas. * Ses. Geostings tres are dmaes Intent: _origtentor of the ne of baskete sit Greetings fran Mir. Gwimn Henry, of Athletics, ball. — University of Kansas. | ) S15 = “Officiating College Games", by lire Bs Ce Quigley, veteran sports offic: oo reer oo eee | fin the National Leagues : | “owns cond Wy’ Dee Pe Co Aen S. tas affunae deait : Se Set offense against man-to~man defense 4. Set offense | Gab Gatenes Se Mast break “78 3 POP ait sa! I ae excoutive secretary of the Kansas Iigh School Activd Associations 4:10 "Officiating School Ganes", by Armin %. Woesteneyer, ' ef ate ee 7 4120 tending eiik Chnnetheinn ot eesiente, by Artie E. Wilers, of Ste Louis, Commissioner of the itissouri Valley Conference. 4:50 We ere expecting a crom’ of a thousand or more, : I believe we heve plamed ea wortimhile progrem for Sincerely yours, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS November 29 L 9 3 8 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director Dep't. of Physical Education University of Kansas Dear Doc: I appreciate very much your kind invitation to speak at your basket ball clinic on Saturday afternoon, December Srd, but find I will be unable to accept as I shall be in Kansas City December 2nd and Srd, attending the meeting of the "Big Six" Directors. I regret this conflict of dates as I would have enjoyed being present at your meet- ing. Yours very sincerely, Pi Ti Gwinn Henry Director of Athletics \ gw GH: iW THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR November 22, 1938 0, Orn Dr. F. C, Allen University of Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: This will acknowledge your invitation to speak briefly at your Basketball Clinic on Saturday after- noon, December 3. It is a pleasure to accept. I note that you will advise me later as to the hour. Looking forward to greeting this group, I am Faithfully yours, R Chance} Tor From Coach Tom Scott, Central Missouri State Teachers College <= "In regard to a program for the afternoon demonstration, I would like to suggest the following: first, ball-tipping practice; second, a drill for enlarging periphereal vision; third, defensive practice in switching men when scresned out of the play; fourth, drills for deception in under basket shootings; fifth, dribbling, stopping, and pivoting drill. These demonstrations should take about thirty minutes." 2 BE Phas ap or : Lane ato eatips Ses tly Sa, sate een a eee pe Seine _ Chancellor Ee H. Lindley, University of Kansage Dear Chancellor Lindley: ; Om Saturday afternoon, December 3, we are holding eee Senne MNES, ein tat ah MER ot tale | Me ld be very Nagy eid yewud to | few wards of greeting to our sonetine 3 duxdtortune The meeting begins at 2450 o*elooke ech fan Maatihe of Uerentieta, )» THE BANGS COMPANY VISUAL and AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS 107 W. Prescott Ave. SALINA, KANSAS Telephone 2707 FRANK BANGS November 5, 1958 SERVING SCHOOLS Dr. Forrest C, Allen IN KANSAS Director of Physical Fducation for University of Kansas VICTOR ANIMATOGRAPH CORPORATION ®@ DALITE SCREEN CO. Lawrence, Kansas Chicago, Ill. Dear Phogs: Projection Screens for Classroom and ee Replying to your letter of November 3, you may rest FORSE MFG. CO. assured I will make every effort possible to have i te Sue both reels of the picture BASKETBALL available for e you Saturday afternoon, December 3. I do not per- — sonally own a copy but I will get in touch with . 5 es . : Bob Russell at Lincoln who has one or can secure "Departments one, and there will be no cost to you, unless I am ia oa ii very much mistaken. However, I will verify this FILMS, Inc. just as soon as I can get a reply from his office, Long Island City, N. Y. EDITED sien SYSTEM As far as I know, no plans are being made for making ee es cee an additional picture of this same type as the former Films one was so well received that its usefulness should FILMS INCORPORATED New York en a You will hear from me again very soon, EASTIN lémm PICTURES exist for some time, Davenport, lowa ; ours, oT Film j ZT. A eatures ig fp e Hy { GENERAL ELECTRIC Hn © 7 CORP. an gs Projection Lamps / Exposure Meters B/m UNIVERSITY of CHICAGO PRESS Chicago, Ill. Chicago Plan Text Books Agfa-Ansco and Eastman Movie Film VISUAL and AUDIO-VISUAL AID SPECIALISTS assure you tint we will not take advantage of you in any wys your team deionstrates 50 minutes, our team a a ak ees te ce he ee eny are not worrying about thats That is not the purpose of the : “By the way, we have | | | eich ae tte teneiue that be atk tale cn ottiebnting in the aftunnnts “ We would like to use as the other official John PF. Carmody, director of athletics snd football and basketball coach at Haskell Institute. | He is a Midland College man, anc does a good job. ee personable, and is a fine official. However, you imow when Quigley ee welleadninistered gone. : Von" you write ne at your earllest conventense ant give me your set up for the clinic? ee bt ; ) ve as tire Te Ce Quigley, oe oe re eee Dear Emies : 1 het motioed by the paper Unt tough Tusk burden upon you by your enforced retreat of two i pmeumomine However, I am gled to mow thet you sou cies tx te ts el et “Gm ageing Geo, old man troutle really took: you for a ride this fall, did he uot? ) ss GAGS eau So algun ll santa, wn ee a Galen table slic said also, "Zell hin timt 1 ish to eqxgretulate in on his getting well". Se you see that I heve done my duty by exprese- ‘ ing Mirse Allen‘s best wishes to you and lirse “uigleys Now, for a re-confimmation of dates. As I understand it, we have Sas te wdnee cae Wc ol ts a eee October 14 regarding your attendance et the clinic. ‘ic would like ess Mal Maule Ghade Mok weenie: adAdaik oa “one the Mak Gas Not only do we imew that you can rum the ball gene woll, but you cen | also put the necessary fire end tebasco sauce in a talk of this kind. Ton Scott will use his Verrensburg team to demonstrate fundement= éls, end I will use the Xensed team, ‘This is in the afternoon from — 2350 until 5:350—¢ We will have a movie talicie and a silent film on fundamentals for the group, alsoe o have invited all the coaches of the high schools and the colleges in this sector as ow’ guests. aa ee ee eee Here's hoping you are well and happy, eaxd Cat we will hone fren you soote - “th ell ak hahaa. Ien Sincerely yours, Mre Frank Dangs, Dear Franks We are to have a basketball clinie here on Saturday afternoon, Decenber Srd. Tho same night et 7:30 we play the Central Missouri State Teachers College of Warrensburg, the tean that won the Hation- ' @ Collegiate Tournament iu Convention Hall last year. e have in- wited all the coaches eee guests for the games i al ce lalla Sin Oly _ eafterndon to demoustrate fimdemental plays and so forth, for our wisiterss We will also ask EB. Ce Quigley to lectwre on officiating and we will have something for Be Ae Thams, the executive secretary of the Kansas State High School Activities Associations the PMifth District of the National Collegiate he Ae masts in Kansas City to discuss basketball interpretations of this district. Of course, we will have the Big Six and Missouri 3 a6 well as coaches of small colleges and high schools 1 soul sey ses Ait es tee Whe Maden een taking of course we would like to have you cane dow and show it, but if you cannot come down if you would arrange to send it to the Extension Division we would have Montgomery use his projector end de the worke I em just wondering if your canpany would be beneficent enough to let us use that film without charge. Of courses, wo were happy to | Siesta withost Femmoration, aedde oxjunsoty cad Tea Wry 0 a ie as te nak lee een te get one for us for that. days Teak appeuninte on anely- vapiy Se ‘my requeste =e ! Pray are you chong the fin ee ees oo out? If to use. to show that film very muche “Jth ell good wishes, Tem - on Fridey evening, Decmuber 2nd, to go over the this year's rulese we iat es te ee tee ete ae the Missouri Velley coaches Saturday uerning, and then we had an ee of eee t on writing you to ask if your group is expenting to mest in Kansas City on Desenber 2 and Se If so, we would be happy to have a getetegether with your groupe I think it is e fine ine Far ve te anak Rogen ant te Clans cur eeinen Saerentts We are playing the Central Missouri State Teachers College, of Yarrensburg, here on Saturday, Decenber 3, at 7:50, but we will have a Clinic at 2250 that aftermcone At the clinic the Kansas tean and the Varrensburg tean will demonstrate their fundamentals to the high school coaches who care to Game in to witch the gamde it will thank you if you will write me telling me when the Miscowrd Valley group will be in meas ity for their meeting. By the wey, I have just received a letter from Marl Jones, of Oklehom City, saying tat he would be present for ow Oldlaham Ae and Me College « Kenaas game in lawrence on Peobrwary 6 As soon oo ee oe With all good wishes, i a2 Mire De Ae ‘Thomas, Ipecutive Seorctary, ‘Kemsas High School Activities Ancooiation, Netional Reserve Building, Topelm, Hansise Dear Friend Thoms: : On December Srd at 7230 pems» the Kansas team will play the Central i.csouri State Teachers College of Tarrensiurg, AIA the dotadte have not been worked cut, but I would be very happy to invite you and your association high school members, tie eenenes tel Cake: ngmniny Se Sale Se SSS owe os gee ST Universitye I aa wondering if you would be kind enough to extend the invitation through your periodicaj, The Hansas Athletes i for the showing ef this the silent Bastuan filn, together with the Chuck Taylor filme 7 : | ‘a | Saturday morning at breakfast with the iicsouri Valley cosshes, ; ten o'clock wo will have our open interpretation meetings - eave us free to start our besketvell clinic et 2:30 here tl if Lawrense on Saturday afternoane “Ne hope to have discussion by the officiels end wo would be glad to have you present to offer the benefit of your criticions If there is anything thet we should stress for the benefit of the high school people appresizte your sugges tiots i Very cordially yours, OFFICE PHONE 2-0370 RESIDENCE PHONE 2-O175 la eas Grave Hien SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION E.A.THOMAS MEMBER OF NATIONAL FEDERATION OF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS COMMISSIONER ROOM 207- NATIONAL RESERVE BUILDING TOPGHA November 2, 1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doe: i received your letter in regard to the basketball rules meeting at Kansas City and the clinic and game at Lawrence on December 3. We shall be very happy to cooperate with you in any way possible and to notify the high schools of this program you are planning. I am afraid we shall not be able to get a notice in our Journal, however, because we have already gone to press with the November issue and it is doubtful if the December issue will be out before game is played. I'll get in touch with the printers today, however, and if any space is left at all we'll try to slip in & notices I am sorry, but I do not have the Chuck Taylor movie-talkie film. The expense for that was so great that it was not considered advisable that we should buy it. We do not have anything of particular value in the way of basketball films. We have a number of old ones that were made by Porter and we plan to take some time and cut them so that we can use some of the parts on fundamentals that apply to the present day rules. I shall be glad to try to arrange my program so that I can be there for your clinic and if anything comes up that we feel should be emphasized for the benefit of the high school coaches I'll let you knowe With best wishes, I am Very cordially yours, E. R. STEVENS, PRESIDENT INDEPENDENCE J.R. eee is A. Thémas : E. A. FUNK, TREASURER Commissioner. ARKANSAS CITY FAT: EMK J5LaL 0 Lei ty CLIFFORD D. DEAN RUSSELL D. E. WOLGAST MARYSVILLE J. E. BOWERS SENECA Dear Frenks I have heard nothing from Bob Russell yet. , sheak the Sites Geck we wank to we S, et our clinic denonstration.s We are counting on these as a part of our prograis . Will you see what you ee ee