In closing, I want to/say that-I think you have done a swell job, Artie, end your work is a masterpiece. Twice I have run over this ee ee ee ae ee oe ee classifying officials, and so forthe ‘e eo : dene a suell jobe | : | ae 1 hope that you wild. bo able to attend our our clinic, and if possible I would like for you to ee ee ee ee ee I think it would be spat coaches of the high schools to know what is being done raga thagiee encs, and whet you have done. . The moment that these coaches see that _ the “niversity coaches are willing to accept the the word of one man in ‘Then we raise Shia etanndenl at cenebin ing and officiating. 4nd there will be an acceptance on the part of the individual of the mm or men whe are designated to authoritatively hendle the reins of such a difficult problems With all good wishes, I am - ‘Mrector of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coaches j } i