Mire De Ae ‘Thomas, Ipecutive Seorctary, ‘Kemsas High School Activities Ancooiation, Netional Reserve Building, Topelm, Hansise Dear Friend Thoms: : On December Srd at 7230 pems» the Kansas team will play the Central i.csouri State Teachers College of Tarrensiurg, AIA the dotadte have not been worked cut, but I would be very happy to invite you and your association high school members, tie eenenes tel Cake: ngmniny Se Sale Se SSS owe os gee ST Universitye I aa wondering if you would be kind enough to extend the invitation through your periodicaj, The Hansas Athletes i for the showing ef this the silent Bastuan filn, together with the Chuck Taylor filme 7 : | ‘a | Saturday morning at breakfast with the iicsouri Valley cosshes, ; ten o'clock wo will have our open interpretation meetings - eave us free to start our besketvell clinic et 2:30 here tl if Lawrense on Saturday afternoane “Ne hope to have discussion by the officiels end wo would be glad to have you present to offer the benefit of your criticions If there is anything thet we should stress for the benefit of the high school people appresizte your sugges tiots i Very cordially yours,