\NSAS STATE HIGH SCHOOL COACHES ASSOCIATION OTTAWA Junction City, Kansas January 8, 1939 Le. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, 2 Diréctor of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas a Dear Dr. Allen: fo ‘fhe Kansas State Coaches! Assocaition at the last meeting went on record favoring the holding of a coaches! clinic just prior to the opening of the season in each of B the three major sports. Such a plan is sponsored by the 2 State Coaches! Associations of Wisconsin, Illinois and a 3 number of other states. Our plan is to ask the various state schools to sponsor these clinics in football, basket- ball and track. I know of no more logical or fitting place to hold the basketball clinic next year that at the University of Kansas, particularly efter the fine clinic you had this year. Would you consider holding another basketball clinic a at the beginning of the season next year under the joint 4 : - gponsorship of the University of Kansas and the Kansas ae oo State Nigh School Coaches! Assocéation? Very cordially yours, Nang fink