Dear Director Henry: Due to compulsory physical education for 1800 men sindedea of the University, our basketball practice period has been badly dislocated. It is not now possible for our boys to practice De eeacuan! as to the physical conditioning program. After they eat their meal at home we cannot afford to iiduace in strenuous backos ball eeetice until one hour at least has elapsed after their meal. The intramural program for men is upon us with a heavy demand for the os space every evening hour. Therefore, I am submitting to you a program of our broken practice periods eas I am making a recommendation that an allowance be made for a small expenditure to pay for meals that they cannot eat at home on account of these conflicts. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday the physical conditioning courses run from 8:30 in the morning until 5 YO in Whe avtchieen: Sots is teeny eae tee | 8+30-in the noming-until—12+20;—and—from-31+50-be—4130~inrthe-efterneen. therefore : hhrLitdh the soonest that we Goede get on the floor on Monday, Wednesday and Friday would be 5:20 or 5:30. And on Tuesday end Thursday atcwoutt=bex4:30, and sanbaturday afternoon at our former regular practice period, 3:30. The boys at their organization houses eat in the evening seme at 6:15 and some at 6:30. The soonest that we can practice without injury to them after a meal would be at 7:30. A two-hour practice would bring it to 9:30, and by the time the boys shower and get home it is after 10 Sieieee: This is too late to get much studying done and I fear their grades will er, Therefore, I would like to ask that a simple meal be served them after their Monday, Wednesday and Fridey practice. We could start after 5s get through at ts eat at 7:50, then the boys could go to their studies and get a good evening's work done. I have talked to Miss Zipple and she is unable to serve us because her cook leaves at 7 o'clock or before. I have shopped ee the Jayhawk Cafe at 14th and Ohio Street has made us an offer of 60¢ a meal for a small steak dinner. I have