Season of 1936 University of Kansas Basketball, STeq{O7, $,uosees Bmu89490 1 UqYUsBA TS{0L BTA0 Iqon 9S 7 8T3A0 Sti Iqen on Si 9S i ~--------Conference Games-------= BAAR AS AZ Howe ORC tetas ees ms SGoooititi+ormrorni O1MOtitintiworort Hitotrttatt#tinottt MiNi tt taAiMtinotis t MmIMi tt twminti mites Er eee ang Haw en-- a4 Hl td ° et wt - ~ ot Oo ra 0 pe ey AAR MOIONIMIROGHIO MHOMNdDI Iii 116 O+mMmittieimiadatr tiw 4 pr VORH II 1OHMINDIO! @ MOHOI II NOMIWOOO! w CHWS IMIAIMOTHI a WH ROCOHOMHINGOH AHMO1OOMNIHOOHOOO a DOHHHI 1HOWIMHIO! w sa ‘ae a 0 pre MOWGOIIMIM1MHIDIS Abort tiaiviaitora MISO IMIMIMNIIEIS MWOWHOIMIMDIFOIO1S MIOlll1olmiMi tore NOWHOMIMIMIWOIO! © NODHHI I MOTIMOIO1® HImMort+romrnants1ots WONHOLIHOMIAI 1 1Om RVida?rtiotiw#w nt dt t ow od ed -o =| Ps aoe Pp typ oj wEHOGde ong eh a HO ADGONR OOOH MAY oO 4 4 it Ho Beas sea eg SaMOSHeSONRGoas 5 So Sosaban Sasreesae e QXISCCOMHROBOONOS COMM I tt dIotdmio: WOMHT PPP I1OtHdMro4 ide st Oi eee MmIMAMi lr + O¢+;o¢+Mors 4 AID tt Port Mors 4 4 a BOWHOO BOMOhHOOO MOMODOOHIHONDOO | NOHO tt +*otrmMmirt et te 4 Ate bt t+romranrangns OOHO1PIOOO1HOIO, COHOTItRNOoNtHoon MOMHIitI OMNI HdOror NONDDOOONDHODOOOD HOHO I OCONIMOOHOODO QW ,~ Mag INO1ae HHROODTIHINIAOIS 1 Hori tr torepatior Hivtoritrioror1 Stet ¢ 4 MOMMOTIRIDINO1) HimtitiadtadtAttiogr HOWOOTINIO1Go , 4} NOWRNROIPHOHITOO oO; Ormtvor+iimitroriaos AHAOCO I NHWMIOII190 ill ll (Riera 1e. (44 A be Sai +> by we ee ecbasegteae: Pradacesessapeads Hasesee"saeckesas 9141715 11 66 224 S Os Cae te ae SIs Ue Uk ae sakhUmrkUklcrctlUmTrtlkkhLCUme Totals 9S, wosess TOF STSIOL QM aor Mmooavtono { _ TROLBOMSItoMoOI MAIO : a wo MOMOttottootot. SC wu a CHHOttottiodtiot eo $6 WHS Hs eetons seer ts 5 WIV “WOO tHt tootrtonrit 7 UQUsSeAHINttrowmtrtti ete. f TS407, 4NDHONDOORHOHO | : UqQyUseh WMHODODOO!IoO00 ! - ITTVO COHO ion + 1o4 tot ° JITRO ONMIitoHsbtmtirii i 180 *S HOOO toHa@1aton! 1 3 DS AOHSCSOtMHotHooni i LOSE COHH ICD IMoOto! 7 BMB490 COHDC ODD GDOCOOD000 f wUqUseh HOMO 10M 1OO0HOHO Te{0L FHBHoOWHO 1GHIOOS CON HHHOOHOtItHotot 1 BTIO MIiNttonttottor g QN CIRHIoOHtotitt. S gS MoONDDO0t IwOIO! So BTIO ONMttoSttHtiot A SBMOT HODOCOHOtT toHIO! ¢ QON HOHOOHMHHOtTDO1OT WI tHoOloddiation. | smctlootooscotdtito ‘ a dint — Lutton Piper Pralle eee ee44ea4sesersaé6s 6 Personal Fouls 6 210 2 6 26 105 9145 €5 3 S&S & Totals deggrooggoogn GOWO¢Ihs C1 Go ies MoOoOist timer tes Hiaotiet tidwtot "eet en ten Att ttt ttoden) ee er ee Oe DCOFADOQNANO NEoHPOCOMt IHHOH 1 mMoowtwitteawtitnotitt Hiottitinmwitet tit ARMAS et ew 4 AHAMHMt TIRMMot Moro t PoOHoOtrtt+odt#t tHotot HODHDODOOMNDOHNODSO NAHHODRDDOON ITONOHNGD eines eae te oe ec ae mingttrttoWwttAttot timMotrre NwWiteat tt t NeriGe (tertttHete1 H+1or;rittweHtt)irtitdet HAHAMOOINN I Pon timi HFOHHOtMHHOIMNoto! Mmtootttoolt ItNttot OMHMIIAHOtH I tt| tot Oertiettitt al i wd wf daar f i cascelnnn | Noble Lutton coer, 7 S23 9 © 4 S14 IZ eieis 9.9616 2 415 SilL12 # 51110 11 91 Totals ayy : Michigan State College Release on receipt Sport News Service i? : > Hast Lansing, Mich., Nov. 00 --~ The city of Whiting, Ind., for two years a y \, moe) *, in succession has provided the captain of Michigan State's freshman football team. x Members of the Spartans! freshman squad this year named Michael Kinek for the honor. ye, a: Last year George Kovacich led the yearlings. Captains are not named until the con- CAL wut othe! AzL clusion of the season, Kinek, a brilliant student as well as a fine prospect, hopes to do as well as Kovacich did in his sophomore year, Kovacich won his letter as a reserve fullback, ol fone East Lansing, Mich., Nov. 00 --~ Michigan State's first basketball game, « scheduled for Dec. 12 with Albion College, will be played off the campus. It is to \ be staged at the Boys Vocational school fieldhouse in Lansing, Originally scheduled 5 for een re tetera iil egéuse farm machinery is to be displayed in'jthe hall on that date, aktan quintets, it was necessary to move the game exes Ye . Hast Lansing, Mich,, Nov. 00 --- Winning football teams at Michigan State College over a three year period have been accompanied by charges, intimation and inferences that scholastic standards at the institution were lower than those of universities or other colleges in the midwestern area. Persistent inferences that the Spartans! success was due to the low entrance requirements, Dean Re C,. Huston of the college recently struck out vigorously in defense. Some of the leading state- ments Dean Huston, who is chairman of the eligibility committee and also of the athletic council, made in an interview that was requested by sports writers were as follows: That Michigan State's entrance beeadwsnedtc and scholastic standards parallel those of the University of Michigan, for instance, and are higher shan: seteric of the schools in the Big 10, 7 (More) ecpooye qu ppe BIS Foe (150) , spone oF gps fiwpeeney, , | ay jou qvapeuee* wag sxe — spam Senensy oF 4H6 : : ‘use Rrovrtew greedy 2 evgneres godsTeowenge sig aopopyagre epenquags Dewey ZOT TOMS: eppresTs eonwesy" TVge JU SU THLSLATOM gpeE age Ledmeereg ph henge anpeene wELe we menge Deer GNPOH! sgh Te SpesuuvE of tye egreypryy4A commyppee Say SyGo OF FPS Ot ene ‘soyyete necone yA BELMCK OME aqennees Ts yu geyetes* ‘gowe of spe ree. apere~ ppe gbenpere, ancoose mee gre po spe jos ‘enpLeTCS Ledny Lewerrye* peer y oO” Hrepow F + eeeener epee .c--ogpen sogzenae yu. pee my queapent snap" | renege pee ecpoye2syo SPCUGRLAS % #78 THALT SAPTOU MELO TOMEL ZPTT spoe of | 4 QoTyTese ones. ‘@ pynes Aeor bexyoy poae pear ecodmbenyeg par apescon® yu_TWeeyToOD sug | ‘ Meee Poweyne* yrcap** jyoa* 00 —< arog Zoogpayy] peswe oF Wr opr Sew ‘arene saint apes eg i ~~ pebasee yon enh ¢ Te £0 pe 5 pine 75 Spe purr of a or _ : Nia See 7 =e powowarase yee pyr” pone-oy-ehetpao dayagese* 7¢ awe WeceewssA go moe Rye Gime pe epeseg se spe Boke avoneyouer eepocy Zrergpenee in feueyne oxyeywey yh eopegryed | ? goneqnreg tok Peo Ts anep Yrprow gorseBe® uerty pe bywheg oxt gue coubse™ yp ye #0 — ~“ peer nny rope ® you” ‘00 it dee te — aren” trae poexeppest eewa! Fi SS eae eas pt itp ia lappa sini Sipe AEs on rcicce a aoe a = = besiege sin eie eialatiedes, alata Ae cohpowors Lees” Yous erep S00 PID TeEtEL SEF | ee 7 sae | s q Gprerom of gue seseon* ‘fywer* @ puyyyrere Bpmgeme we wey ve F [Tue bacebece* pobes | i oe &< 4 peep Legs, Qeox€e moawcray teq ¢Re Ness ygueer gebesywe wKe Tos Deeg sPTy PRE Gok 2 y a ‘pompese of spé Uhonewwe, qaegpuaw edvey gpYe hesk Gomeg Yrapesy LPP TOR eye pouOR® a } é Tu —— pwe broatgeg gpe esbeeye of nrepr Bou BFS 5048 {Leapney Looppsyy peda - if geeg pemezue* prop * you" 00 -—— Ine GTeh m wpTeTUe’ IoEr* con pao Aeowe g a f i (aA SS Jf : i weteses ov ge0erbe 3 Tepenenees gyeg Official Box Kandas Kemes State Jn, 19 ars Kensas State @ of wt Klimek, f ss Wesehe, f 1 Cleveland, g ‘Gchierlmam, g¢ - i “Kremer,, £ 2 | Kelloggs, & Holliday, £ | * 4 * Rogers, f 4 3 mie 8 606 Wee Ba. . 6 «= i a ee vo %~ 11 6 4 9 ewe a reper Individual Seoring, ansas, aaayeniog, 2it- 28. FT FIM Pes Player Boble Pralle Holliday Cox _Rogers, Golay Corlis Lutton Sehmidt Weidner Bosilevac Durand Fugeitt Hoverstock Kappelman, Wellhausen Totals *.-Need a column for "Scoring balls ail, Games Gls. 5 10 5 11 5. 7 3 0 4, 6 5 11 5 5 5 0 2 2 o 3 o 2 0 3 5 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 3 60 Bao => ©& ©2 8Oe0Oo COC FY FY &@2@ @ S&S C&S a & @ ~~ & w © &e ee wSehUlUcrhmhUCU HU C OCOlUC RWC rTFlC OlhlCUrh w% | 857 -500 3545 -900 1.000 %728 430 000 1.000 7000- -000 1.000 +860 -000 — 000 ( 614, TP. 26 31 20 Oo 15 30 13 a 5 0 15 _ 165 ‘ os of fF @ FY Ce cea G&G ee S&S SY «Ooh hUmeBlU 3 rs eH ‘ : a Lg CA get retin CANA BABR iy. K. U. NEWS BUREAU SPORTS SER VICE—BASKETBALL KANSAS vs.____ # ee is __ pare. O@e 17, 1956 _First___Hatr sod 7 is 3 Fob a} PU ) ( \ KX phe | o ip 7) 77 he Mest SL. Meds M 1 : G4. Proll 4 93, | HLL | [ , P e bb Pannell oR | Se Ney QO8- x an & =e x “es Yoh er afi, why f k w“) nat as = 3S “= i _— PX fara totth a ‘ee | sb | ad’ | § b A 2 | nike ed pP PY i me ii K. U. NEWS BUREAU SPORTS SERVICE—BASKETBALL “oe Southwestern ~~ Dec. 17, 1956 Secom ON lee dni en ce aaa ewan I ii cieeionecgsecsensnh seen HALF eTT) PTT TT LP dT | | | | iF i 2% = P| iF °f Jo - A FI 1 Pe Cr ie t 2 F ] —-S ee yh od '} p WO cg cd K.U We i o NEWS BUREAU SPORTS SERVICE BASKETBALL KANBAS Wek 4s. nt I oe nik sechnnnsepertn ini pate... 6G. 3, 1956. _. First __HAtr 6 Noble f 3 Coxft 7 Hélliday,o ¢ Rogers, & . 3 ~Y Key D ¢ P x® ra SBT ) Shulties t L5 Pollner rf} $3 Collard,cg| 7 Gilbert ¢g 14 Roskam, g| Be aaa 6 xu Fas? =< reaiecteenleenn ener aieein call eo i it ~ BRS a * - a ’ e 4 ZY * ; ® Ree he. Reece id , K. U. NEWS BUREAU SPORTS SERVICE—BASKETBALL KANSAS vs.___ Washburn ioc ek ae en need pate... Dees 3, 1936. pieces Sieone + ----17 C5 Qo i Ps ie q i Ne a, qe : ; , a Sb: cs ; saa i f sini m nee a ‘From the K. U. News Bureau, Lawrence, Kans., W. A. Dill, Director Official Score--Kansas vs. Washburn, Dec. 3, 1936. Kansas Goals Noble, f 1 cx,f 90 Holliday, c 3 Rogers,g 1 Pralle,g 2 Golay,f 4 Corliss,g 2 Lutton,g 0O Totals 12 0 0 2 1 A A 1 0 QO ‘ eo Gc YF FY OC FF FF Cc o oe a veFeeaes”. ® & o olUYwmlUrhhCWCéaRY.C«we Free Thr. Missed Fr Th TPL Per. Fls. Minutes 356 14. 39.5 19.0 39 20 26.5 26.5 05 200.0 Washburn Goals Free Thr. Missed Fr Th T Pt Per. Fls. Minutes Schulties,f 1 Pollner,f 2 Collard,c 3 Gilbert,g 3 Roakam,¢ 0 Mills,f 0 Dittimore,f 0 Brown ,c 0 0 Schlitcter,’ Totals 9 o © 0©o mp Oo uaF hf * 0 oos?$éo“otodoF fF F © 4 “oOo 2.2 2 shlUmUetmlC DCPS tw oO ak oefoc 68 S6COUSlCUelCUl ke pe 39.5 39.5 39.5 40.0 35.0 6 8 5 Mh 5.0 200.0 Official Seore---Wanesas- Wasburn, Dec. 3, 208% 1936 Kansas Goals Free Thr Missed Fr Th Per .Fls Noble, f i ‘ Cox, f Hollidey, eo 3 Rogers, 6 i +P ralle 6 golaty f£ > ey - » F&F ~ nm Corliss, ¢ . Lutton, 6 wy : : me * W asnburn Goals Fr.Thra Msd.Fr.Th or Pp er Fle Sechulties, f axe ° 3 P kine, f | Collard,¢e Vv Uo ‘ul es vp Vw Ww WD Gilbert, & Roakan » & Mills, f Dittimore, f Brown, © Schiiteter , © | io | p 8 e ee ] bo @ )Op 0 pt os : Pe 5 | 4 6 a 3 5 Wb La felas 2 b/ 6 (| OVS oF 4 “ : ala é © Upeaces Z Sp OW| | is ' : b © © s 3 ? Hd oe a Gs : 4 @ | 1. Number of jump balls in center circle. 1st Half Second > 2. Number of jump balls in free-throw circles. Ist Half ‘end ‘ 3. Number of center jumps __ ° 4, Number of fouls resulting in multiple throw 5. Number of times ball out of bounds at end of court 6. Would it have gone out if goals were set in 4 ft. ° 7. Would it have gone out if goals were set in 6 ft. ® 8, Number of times out of bounds as result of personal foul. Ist end . 9. Number of violations of 3 second rule. . 10. Number of times forced back over division line . 11. Number of times failed to bring ball over division line. : 1st half 2nd half ‘ Number of field goals | ma attempted. Jf eau i 7 he Successful attempts. i 7 Number of free throws | attempted. 7 oe Successful attempts. | 12. welrdnerv is | : Mark on court chart location where player attempts field goal. Mark number of playcr and, if attempt is successful, draw a circle around the number. 25 sg 4% er, | rics Mark location of all personal fouls by p and by the number of man making foul-22p. If resulting in multiple throw, put circle around it-22p. Scehi7zid# ag lade ee O27 | H ony 5 Sp . 1S ‘= 18 18 | 20 t 1S GD 3 20 5 ; \1P jg LOE : 17 i ; f 20P 18 tn te Ss ees Mic \ fete re ? { re i : Q WG 1% 7 Gt ve | y= F . ‘S el ee a lip Pi . 18 )8p @ 30 20 | @| 12. 9F OF ee | 2 5 1S 12 MP @ i 1. Number of jump balls in center circle. Ist Half Second 2. Number of jump balls in free-throw circles. Ist Half and 3. Number of center jumps 4, Number of fouls resulting in multiple throw 5. Number of times ball out of bounds at end of court 6. Would it have gone out if goals were set in 4 ft. 7. Would it have gone out if goals were set in 6 ft. 8. Number of times out of bounds as result of personal foul. aa end 9. Number of violations of 3 second rule. 10. Number of times forced back over division line ll. Number of times failed to bring ball over division line. team _ Of ld hong Lineup No. 1S 2 a Number of field goals ' attempted. lst half 2nd half a 7a Successful attempts. b a — Number of free throws attempted. Successful attempts. | ' i c a Mark on court chart location where player attempts field goal. Mark number of player and, if attempt is successful, draw a circle around the number. 25 Mark location of all personal fouls by p and by the number of man Reena foul-22p. If resulting in multiple throw, put circle around it-22p. Auhne, 1437 se an mene cate ee wn neh eta ee envi neee yest — -~ FIBVY FSATF poset sTvos plop” | 2 & etek. (i ) DATE oe ee 2 vi 937) O\l | JTey 4ST SsTvod prety ‘4 a a ial IIS 1 ee a fF f 4 A of 7 pefetd soqnurtm [sqo] STey pug pefetd seqnuty th eee - oe steed ' BZ A0l2c\¢e, OIF IJ IP If ig bli Q ol2Z0|\ 40 JTey 4st poketd soqnuty f 2 PLAYER 6 Nrtle Wsladad yp 1 Outed 2\ 0\2\ o| glo 5 rll ladadid i (Pi als dl we a, 19237 Pai / DATE f GAME S[Noj TvoTUYyoo], ae Tuuoeaog T3840], JIvy pug s[Tnog [euosiso0g JITSU 38ST STNog [Tvuoss0g posstw SMOLY], OOLM [CVO] epcu smouyy seid [eQO], JTVY pug posstuw smodyuy ootg Jey pug opuu smoauy eoaz JLey 9ST posstu smouyuy ood. tld JICu 4ST opseu smousyy, eoig nieces SUSTSSB 7O9O posstuw s[Tvos pTOTF T[vqo0] Opell STVOS PTSTI Tezo], ! ee nn JIvy puooes poesstw S[Teos pToety ne Jey pug spTseo3 prety STCU FSATJ posstu sTvosd plsopg FISY 4ST STVos PToty pexkeTd .soqnutu [eqoy SJTeyu pug peAstd seqnuty JTey gST poAetTd soqnuty Ane Ae. | j 5 Ho 5 ; go i te @ ! | . 3 + (oe) o4 bp 3 x i re ey Lb ata _t : S ©; r ee. am A 6 5 . : @| ee a 6 | Se, 7 64 @ a s °@ ! 1\ < 1. Number of jump balls in center circle. Ist Half 2 Second . 2. Number of jump balls in free-throw circles. Ist Half end. = — 3. Number of center jumps . 4. Number of fouls resulting in multiple throw . 5. Number of times ball out of bounds at end of court : : 6. Would it have gone out if goals were set in 4 ft. ‘ 7. Would it have gone out if goals were set in 6 ft. . 8. Number of times out of bounds as result of personal foul. list 2nd . 9. Number of violations of 3 second rule. : ° 10. Number of times forced back over division line . ll. Number of times failed to bring ball over division line. . lst half 2nd half Number of field goals | attempted. | a7 ab o Successful attempts. uf 6 (© Number of free throws | £ attempted. x Successful attempts. | 2 x 63/10 Mark on court chart location where player attempts field goal. Mark number of player and, if attempt is successful, draw a circle around the number. 25 Mark location of all personal fouls by p and by the number of man making foul-22p. If resulting in multiple throw, put circle around it-22p. ir ipo ' aed Tv riTabeny Matis te el! dot ee ti er ee, i fp icing aes So a “A oi NZ Pere es Suis a a ac Ci Ae 3 , » cea $3 ee ta Ae eles Als i iret TMG a> sevsta crore no fdas oipeés s west ie ai Peerte st es * ee Ameeeey and. bape eqsee uot saison aan te. soe le 43 5 ae <@ to noisgpel trait Re rh oe