ayy : Michigan State College Release on receipt Sport News Service i? : > Hast Lansing, Mich., Nov. 00 --~ The city of Whiting, Ind., for two years a y \, moe) *, in succession has provided the captain of Michigan State's freshman football team. x Members of the Spartans! freshman squad this year named Michael Kinek for the honor. ye, a: Last year George Kovacich led the yearlings. Captains are not named until the con- CAL wut othe! AzL clusion of the season, Kinek, a brilliant student as well as a fine prospect, hopes to do as well as Kovacich did in his sophomore year, Kovacich won his letter as a reserve fullback, ol fone East Lansing, Mich., Nov. 00 --~ Michigan State's first basketball game, « scheduled for Dec. 12 with Albion College, will be played off the campus. It is to \ be staged at the Boys Vocational school fieldhouse in Lansing, Originally scheduled 5 for een re tetera iil egéuse farm machinery is to be displayed in'jthe hall on that date, aktan quintets, it was necessary to move the game exes Ye . Hast Lansing, Mich,, Nov. 00 --- Winning football teams at Michigan State College over a three year period have been accompanied by charges, intimation and inferences that scholastic standards at the institution were lower than those of universities or other colleges in the midwestern area. Persistent inferences that the Spartans! success was due to the low entrance requirements, Dean Re C,. Huston of the college recently struck out vigorously in defense. Some of the leading state- ments Dean Huston, who is chairman of the eligibility committee and also of the athletic council, made in an interview that was requested by sports writers were as follows: That Michigan State's entrance beeadwsnedtc and scholastic standards parallel those of the University of Michigan, for instance, and are higher shan: seteric of the schools in the Big 10, 7 (More)