Ur. Earl Le Palkenstien, Financial Secretary, ? K. U. Athletic Association. Dear Earls | This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 12th instant concerning our trip to Columbia, Hoe Will you kindly have the Ford serviced? We may drive back Wednesday night after the game. Of course we ere glad to make the trip in cars this tine, but you need net worry about any other trips with the team in cars - I am buying ® bicyclel Karl's good Dutch business sense came into play again, when we can save $20 to $30 on the trip by driving. | But I em doing it for the boys this time on account of final examinations. I won't give Farl another chance to save $20 or $30 on a trip - I'm doing it this time just for the boyse : 7 Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach.