Merch 4, 1941 lire Ned Nordness, Sports International News Service ‘Kansas City, Missouri Dear Lire Nordnesss I em sending you herewith my choice for the first and second team alleconference baskete ball selections, as reguestéd in your letter of First Team Pose Second Team ‘Englemean = Kensas - -forward = - « Nicholas - Iowa State Budolfson = Iowa ShleFormard «=~ » Lingwardt » Bowne State Held « Nebrasia « « Center + = = Ford = Oklahoma Allen = Kansas ~~ Guard +--+ «+ DeKoster - Iowa State | Ee oR CN Eline = Kansas ~-~<- Guwrd «<= « Beaumont + Kansas State Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Rducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg