M. W. HARDMAN, President A. G. HARDMAN, Secretary Cc. L. HARDMAN, Vice-Pres. & Treas. Kansas : & Osborne, Kansas WakKeeney, Kansas THE os HARDMAN LUMBER COMPANY FRANK RANDALL, Manager : PHILLIPSBURG, KANSAS 2 Sept. 9, 1939 ; Dey F. Os. Allen University of Kansas a Lawrence, Kansas 4 Dear Dr. Allen: 1. have just received a letter from Miss Tillman telling mé that she has talked with. you about . the possibility of conflict between basketball practice or games and an accounting job in the CS sHP office. Miss Tillman would like to have an answer con- cerning ity acceptance of the job. Before l reply, i would like to have some honest acvice from you. From the report she sent to me it seemed as though i‘'néed not consider basketball; since 1 did not stay out for basketball last year, I wouldn't have a chance to make the team this Poli, 2.Was ‘wonde Ping if the situation is really that serious. I've really wanted to play bell time - became imperative thet 1 ¢ to study oF to earn enough money to r in concer. ‘But Live really had my heart set upon playing beskxetball at A. U. and maki ng my letter and basketball. 2 6 C if Y Nesmith this summer r every evening since on lon * apd short si q rebound Before ne have been. ol “ay Le gS and try i've been working here at wo months. 3 it is quite ‘i rcise 1 get. : to toss around of ec ears of simbper. I7 11 eed ¢ down at school ih order -- at th reason why the work should confl cetball. However, if 1% should 1*: enother job so that #tean work on is Tillman : has several other vacanci és