PERSONAL SKETCHES UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS BASKETBALL 1941-1942 BALLARD, JACK- guard or forward- 19 -sophomore in college of liberal arts and sciences; home, Kansas City, Mo.; graduate of Southwest high school in Kansas City, 1940; coached by Mel Bishop. The most promising big man Doctor Allen has had in some time. However, needs a good deal of polishing and may not see much action this season. Played center in high school and was a first string man on last year's crack K.U. freshman team. BLACK, CHARLES- forward- 20 ~sophomore in school of engineering; home- Lawrence; graduate of Southwest high school in Kansas City, Mo.; played under Coach Mel Bishop. Has the natural ability to be an outstanding ball player, but was not overly consistent as a fresh- man last year. Played freshman ball at the University of Wiscon- sin before coming to K.U. Has weight as well as height and is 4 fine ball handler. Has hot streaks on pivot shots, at which times he is virtually unguardable. BLAIR, DON- guard or center- 19 -junior in school of education; home- Ottawa; graduate of Ottawa high school, 1939; played under Coach Bill Kincaid. Won a freshman numeral in 1940. Did not see enough service to letter last year, but is expected to play more this season. Has looked much improved this winter. Good ball handhber. BUESCHER, JOHN- center or forward- 21 -junior in school of education; home, Beardstown, Ill.; graduate of Beardstown high school, 1938; coached by Clyde McQueen. Tall and skinny. Is known to his team- mates as "The Thin Man".