AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, & RECREATION A DEPARTMENT OF THE NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION 1201 SIXTEENTH STREET. N. W. WASHINGTON. D, C. October 19359 Dear Fellow Worker: In going over our files we are sorry to note that your membership in the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation has recently expired, We want to thank you for your loyal support in the past, which has meant much to the Association, and to express the hope that you may be interested to renew your membership in the near future. The primary objective of this Association is to promote the development of adequate programs of health education, physical education, and recreation in the schools and in other social institutions, To do this we must first build a strong professional organization which can make its influcnce felt, For example, the Association may soon sponsor an amendment to Senate Bill 1620, the "Wagner Health Bill," which if accepted and passed would, the first year, provide four million dollars which could be distributed to states to pay for the direction and supervision of school programs in healthful living. Can you imagine how much this would mcan in the way of cxpansion of our programs? Several other important projects are also under way. Other activities and services which the Association is engaged in are indicated on the blank. The National Association necds your help, We sincerely hope you will send in your membership on the blank which is enclosed for your conveniconcc, Sincercly yours, RP Veitins N, P. Neilson Executive Secretary NPN: ahi Enclosure P, S, If your membership has been sent in to the Association within the past month, please disregard this letter,