February 19, 1942, ir. %. B, Woodruff, Secretary, Chamber of Commerce, Perry, Oklahonie ‘Dear “Woody"s We are starting our Oklahom. invesion next week when we play the Oklahom Aggies at Stillwater on the 25th and the University . ‘at Norman on the 27th. We desire to come down to Perry the night of the 24th and we want to stay at the hotel that day and drive over to Stillwater and back to Perry that night after the game. We will then plan ‘on getting in Oklahoma City the afternoon of the ?6th. Can we make arrangements, in view of the tire shortage, to negotiate this trip? You will remember that last year the restaurant man had a trailer that he said he would haul us over in. Of course, we would be willing to pay the expenses of such a trip. . . | I would rather rest in Perry than to go into Stillwater the dey of the came. A hotel is not as satisfactory there as it is. in Ferry, and it is more quiet at Perry and more friendly, I would saye ‘Please let me hear from you at your earliest convenience by special delivery. | : Give our mutual legal light in your metropolitan city our. kindest regards. : With a1 good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. —