Jonuary 8, 1942. Mir. Me PF. Ahearn, Direeter of Athletics, Kansas State College, Manhatten, Kansas. beneotball soash of the Univeratty of lana regarding toe, qosbion anes of tahana, Kenses, high school who matriculated at ansas Se oe ee See ES es Beene Sete We he Sy I sineerely trust that before you give the green Light of peumdesion to fuser te empete ab Cklahen, that you wild grent Mr. Lawrence “Jap” "ioe Os ek te ee at whieh are present Jack Gardner, the basketball Coach . ore State, Bruce Drake, basketball coach at Oklahoma, (and Gerald ruckey All I ever promised Gerald Tucker was three tough years of competition from Kensas. He stated to me that he was going to attend the University of Okishoma and this is the reply that I hd The rules and regulations governing athletics and all participation of the N.V.I.A.A., the Big Six, are crystal clear. There certainly is no ambiguity regarding the resident rule and the migrant rule. Gerald Tueker is a migrant athlete because he migrated ee ee eee ee ee evar weska) would make bin wesble to partioipate on 0 regularly e=- rolled one year men Oe ee ee ee ees Therefore, the five games thet he played in against Southern Methodist, Bradley, DePaul and the two other eastern teams, show that he has participated in five games illegally. He played in five gomes before he was eligible by the Big Six regulations. Heneenterense guess count in | Neither Gerald Tucker ner the University of Oklahoma