Gerald Tucker is a migrant athlete because he migrated from Kansas State to Oklahoma, and according to the rule he violated the migrant athletic Frestatten. But if the Big Six a should ust exact the full penalty it certainly would be the decent thing to mie I would dislike very much to see him disbarred as a migrant athlete. : However the rule was on the book and neither the administration at , Oklahoma nor Gerald Tucker as an individual obeyed the rule as written in the Big Six handbook of regulations on athletic partici- pation. Then Gerald Tucker and Oklahoma also violated the freshman rule by playing him in five games - Southern Methodist e010 4 eee before he was eligible. Certainly this looks as if he should not benefit by fracturing such a rule. I cannot see how hé can have six semesters because he has played in five jsnccontsreuse games. Non-conference games count in participation records the same as conference games.