Would it be fair, Mr. Groom, to say that when a man broke the rule that the conference kicked him out, i Sane Ree ee I made a statement on November 26 at Cape Viediees Missouri, when I spoke to the Teachers College there at their football banquet, that we should have a high commissioner or czar of sports and that this czar should have authority to go in and investigate situations and where a coach has been responsible to the extent of getting a boy te a school which was clearly against the rules that this czar should investigate the matter. If he found against the coach, the coach should be fired and the boy, whether partly innecent or guilty, should meet the fate that the ezer prescribed for him. I still think that this is good agministration, and if we had such enforced now I believe the rules would be respected. Thanking you fer your letter, I am Very sincerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Baucation end Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Ceach.