# a 3 y e ao AEN : = me 5 5 se Pee ‘Sy - F a . ee 4 oes} _ ALLIMESSAGES TAKEN BY THIS CON PANY anpaiisitel + TO tT 1E FOLLOWING eee AIS euard 2 gainst mistakes @r delays, the sénder _ ‘should onsiér it repeated, that is, téleera. hed back a c iginating office for - unrenesied oe sents BFs sed in additions Un et iso Indic onrits tace, this is an wnreped) edted message an for as suca, in ; the eer . Sr Thi this s Company as Ollows: : Company sh: H-not he liable‘for nistak i oe Se i apne, 58 or for non-deliveryzef any message received for ' rate bosons the Bul, & ve hundred dollars; nor for mis nsmilssion cr Gelivery, or for non-délivory, of any ‘message i message raze beyond the-sum of five thousand dollars, unl Sey ‘ated: ng Vin any es for, delays arising from} unavoidable interruption in re ary event the Company’ shall not-be lia te tor. mistakes or delays in: the transmission or delivery, or for the non-dclivery, ; the ae a oftts servanits'or oiicrivise, beyoud tie actua Ae b cxceegi pede any event the sum of fi feta ot plies at which amount the » the mess Jued,,unies falue is stated in writing bY ‘the sen Se ereof at ihe time the inessage is tendered for transmission, and ‘Jagreed to be a id, none on ad 2. ee equaltta: ete ven et one a cont of the oe Pee such vatua pe aoe pet five thousand Pas : tes; 18 Comp ig hereby made-the yecontof-tbe-sender, witaout liability, to, forwarc messave over the lines o: as other: sien Beet ae to reach t3 de tion. : 7 tc ee = patie StS SEC Be wt ei Listing “of Andi iGual places in the filed Tae i Bet the eae ny amount paid z tho fransmalsion of 8 Incoming cable or radio message covers its de witlimthe following limits: Cloles or towns of 5,C0G.0r more in aa tarts where tie, a shown ae Bled: tars of oe one nis nee “operated throurh tae ety of a raiitoad compahy, within two milas.of any open 1m Wher nies eos 2bézy has an ite male ay snoy of Bethe more iibabite: cre, as Shown by the fled taritis of the Company, the telegraph service is performed throu E the ici rite a railroad company, within one mileof the telegr: aph office: in, citie: 8 core the 5 int at a nits in-which an of of the Company i3 jose within one-half mile of the telegraph office. Beyond the limits above specified ine ompany does not tha mak W aT? or delivery a3 the agent Gf the sender, with the understanding that the sender authcrizes the collection of any additional ; ; an 5 7 é id i is loca collee = from the addressee, There will be no additional charge fOr eee jnade by telephone wi chin @ same are accepted at one of its. transmitting offices: : ond if; a ‘message is sent to ‘adh ofibe by. cana of vt pie irpos a5 4 DOH G:der, Gamaces:or bi ory. v frathiea in any case where the elainyis not presented in writing to the Company w thin sixty dave after the message: vis fied: ee a aus oe transmiss S310} i provided, | however, that this condition shall not apply to claims for damages or overcharges within the puvie v of Section 41 5 of the ' uni- cations Act of 1934. - a Tt is agreed that in any action by the Company to recover the tolls for any message or messages the prompt and correct transmission and delivery thereof shall be presumed, subject, to rebuttal by competent evidence ech eh r on reeeeaine teres governing: the transmission of messages: according to their classes, as enumerated = shall apply to messages in each of such respective classes in addition to All: the for ert eee ass rnin hiply poe tte rs Sa ar oat teal ee ‘ = g 2 9. o employee of the Galipans is qthorised to vary ‘the foregoing. 12-40 nih mcaste eo ebteas a ais ee eee & coe a CLASSES OF SERVICE. . DOMESTIC SERVICES Sees - CABLE SERVICES ee TELEGRANS |: ° : CP eS ae ORDINARIES = f°. SSP ye a a ee A tull-tete expedited in Mos a eo z ee fee ~ a The standard FE ~ ful nee Code MessAEeS, consisting ot 5-letter re only, DAY LETTERS. : : _ abalowerrate, — 3 ‘A deterred Service at lower shan the standard tera rates. DEFERREDS - ee e ee SE RURAL S oh ta pitti pie rate tne Naber Spot oot te eens pcan Uiiinbi beans ties y ~~ Moscaacs sent fA Sections dy rng te same day. Pisinlanguage n mescages, subject to being deterred Intavonot fultrave messages OVERNIGHT TELEGRAMS 2 ‘Accented tp to 3 4.M. for deiivery- not Jk SE ae tie 4ellewing. morning ‘at rates QUT LETTERS eat a substantially ower ‘thon. the standard ae Onday letter-rates. mo ae ere RAP TEENS ety eea 2p oe ree: es fs ; Ww ania ofthe world, Jain language or cose} uage. Es eee a ; ? ie : og eth Rapa erg eta ea : nas 2g = ne = oe Fi woe ; +, Mesee ces. taking precedence “over ‘alllother ‘Messages except government messages. oreo A ei ear ears WESTERN UNTON SERVICE FOR EVERY SOCIAL NEED : _eeh ot aor gage We Vee are inthe United Geates- Pe “GREETINGS-AT 2 <> TELEGRAMS OF PRESCRIBED FIXED TEXT— — = a oe Ze L Valentines Dev athoys Day _Buther’s De 5 ears whe seas So pha naps Jewish New Year- ee akssiving TELEGRAMS OF SENDER’S OWN COMPOSITION. "Fivet 15 words: : } 5 ih koe ees = _CONGRATULATI o ON S _ LOCAL, CITY TELEGRAMS... = eee ikl a es Annivensaris oe : ce Hie i = _ Pith of a Child TOURATE TELEGRAMS, for TRAVELERS. First 15 words ee E Ba f ee ’ : . : ates Additional Werels, 2l4# each) - ~* Bon Voyage telegram a “Pep” telegrams : : S ikiddic ae (No 35¢ rate) ANY Wie: UNION Orr iSE C Fi ke FULL INFORMATION