December 30, 1941. Mr. Dan Partner, Sports Desk, The Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Dan: I am sending you in confidence copies of the letters I have written to Professor W. W. Davis, faculty representative, and to Gwinn Henry, the Athletic Director. _ ~*fhank you-very-much for sending me a copy of your fine write- up regarding Gerald Tucker. You certainly made a strong case against Tucker's participation and you close your article with a . bang. Certainly if they let this fellow play this year there isn't any rule in the Big Six that the faculty representatives and directors haven*t fractured terribly. If they let him play then it looks as if these rules are only for the convenience of those in power to handle in whatever manner they want and to take advantage or disadvantage of any situation that they care to distort or to nurture to their own ends. I do not know what your next move is but I think you are in a wonderful position to show up the frailties or the strength of the rules of this organization. Thank you for your good wishes, Dan. I am very sure that we will not have an undisputed Big Six championship besause Iowa State is much stronger than we are at the present. ile had but four prac- tises in the auditorium before we played Denver, and due to the fact that the Christmas Vespers use it the week before Christmas for prac- tice and display, we could not play any games. We were too young an outfit to travel because we needed to develop the fundamentals so necessary in a young team. All the other conference teams have piayed more but I preferred to stay here during Christmas vecation and work on fundamentals, and allow ‘the other teams to take their trips. I feel that we get more out of it by dint of hard work, and while we may not be very hot at the begiming of the year I think we will improve in strength and playing form.