Office of Secretary PERRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PERRY SALES DAY ASSOCIATION . = NOBLE GCOUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION MASONIC BUILDING TELEPHONE 684 PERRY, OKLAHOMA February 20th,1942. Mr.F.C.Allen Athletic Director Confirmation of telegram Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas. Dear doctors Bill Reckert of the Palace Cafe says that there is plenty of rubber for the trip to Stillwater with your basketball team and that he will do every= thing in his power to make your visit here a pleasant oneseI didn't quite understand the time of your arrival here so did not say anything to Vandenberg ‘concerning hotel reservations.Will be glad to make arrangements for use of local gym by your group should you have need of same on the 26th.There will be no cost to you for the trip to Stillwater,nor for the gym either if you care for ite Saw Paul CGress,the only monument to K.U. jin our little city,and he is pleased to learn of having an opportuntiy to visit with you and seeing your fine agerecation in action.Expressing my delight in your visit to Perry and assuring you of my eagerness to help in any way possible to make your visit a pleasant one,I am iy truly, Marsh B.Woodruté Q