soe! 7 ypril 10, 1939 fo Members, National Basketball Committee: Arrangements have finelly tem made for holding the annual meeting of the committee at the MeAlpin Hotel, Broadway at 54th 8t., New York, New York. The meeting will be held on Monday and Tuesday, May lst and 2nd. Copy of the agenda is enclosed. I am enclosing cards which may be used for reservations. I am informed that the present rates are somewhat higher than those indicated on themrds. However, the hotel is offering the old (printed) rates for members of the comaittee. You will understand that the hotels will probably be crowded during the first few days of the fair and consequently you should send your reservation early. Most railroads are offering special Worlds Fair rates beginning April 28th. It is my understanding that these early rates apply only to ‘travel by coach and that — special pullman rates do not go into effect until early in dJme. Each member will have to use his own judgment as to whether he can travel at least part of the dis- - tames by coach. Since the date of the meeting is later than was anticipated, it will be possible to record questiomaire results if they are sent inmediately after you receive this letter. The members of the committee should be giving some thought to the various or ies imeluded on the questionnaire and to related problems. i. Research Committee will have considerable data to present relative to modified equipment which has been subaltted for approval and relative to experimental work that has been sponsored during the season. Included in them are: basket nets of metal chain construction, basket rings with metal thicker than the preamt five-sighths inches in diameter, backboards of a smaller size andwith the lower edge end corners eliminated, backboards with a convex surface to seatter rebounds and permit further use of the four-foot end area and various timing methods. Need- less to say, any action along lines which would appreciably change apparatus would have to be such as to avoid any great e pense which might invelved in the change by any sehool or organization. However, if such changes appear to be possi- bilities there ought to be some way whereby improvements over a period of years should be made possible. The ingenuity of the committee will be taxed if action along this line is promoted and it is for that reason that I am suggesting pre- liminary consideration of the matter. | Locking forward to seeing you at the mecting, I am Yours truly, fb Secretary wa,