Bore Haas It PLAYING REGULATIONS (b) A team may not cause the ball to go to its back court except following: (1) a try for goal; or, (2) a jump ball; or, (3) an out of bounds play; or, (4) recovery of the ball from possession of an opponent. After one of these four plays, only the player who is the first of his team to touch the ball may cause it to go to his back court, and right to do so ceases if the ball is touched thereafter in the front court by another player of either team. The last player who touches the ball before it goes into the back court is considered to have caused it to go there. PENALTY— No penalty if the illegally returned ball is first touched in the back court by an opponent. Otherwise it is the opponents’ ball out of bounds at the point nearest the ball when the violation is declared. NOTE—Under (b) the ball has gone to a team’s back court: (1) when it is in possession of a player of that team on or beyond the line, that is, when either the ball or the player is touching the floor on or beyond the line; or, (2) when not in possession of a player, the ball touches the floor or a teammate on or beyond the line, or touches either an opponent or an Official who is beyond the line. Ques.—A player of Team A returns the ball illegally to his back court and the ball goes out of bounds before touching a player _of either team. Where is the ball put into play? Ans.—Team B’s ball where it crossed the boundary line. Ques.—A player of Team A returns the ball illegally to his back court and it is first touched in the back court by a player of Team A. Where is the ball put into play? Ans.—Team B’s ball out of bounds at the point nearest the Team A player who first touched the ball in the back court. Ques.—Team A, having the ball in its back court, throws the ball to the front court within ten seconds, but it rebounds to the back court from a Team B player, or is batted back by the latter. May the ball be recovered by Team A? Ans,—Yes, and Team A is allowed another ten-second period to advance the ball to its front court. i *SECTION 9: After a goal from the field, any player of the team scored upon shall put the ball into play from any point out of bounds at the end of the court where the goal was made. He may throw it from any point behind the end line, or he may pass it to a teammate behind the end line. Not more than five seconds may be consumed in getting the ball into play, the count starting the instant the ball is at the disposal of the first player out of bounds.