bea st VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES SECTION 4. Carry the ball into the court from out of bounds. Ques.—When a player is in the act of passing the ball in from out of bounds, is it illegal for him to step on the boundary line. Ans.—yYes, he is considered as having carried the ball into the court, even though technically he is out of bounds when touching the line; but the officials must make allowance if the space out of bounds is limited. SECTION 5. Touch the ball after putting it in play from out of bounds until it has touched another player. SECTION 6. Consume more than five seconds in putting the ball in play from out of bounds. PENALTY— (Sections 8, 4, 5, 6.) Ball goes to an opponent out of bounds. SECTION 7. Enter the free throw lane, or touch the free throw lines, or touch the ball while a free throw for goal is being made, until the ball has touched or missed the basket or backboard, or attempt in any way to disconcert the player who has the free throw. If players contend for positions along the free throw lanes, the Officials shall arrange the players so that the desirable positions are evenly divided. PENALTY— (Section 7.) For violation by a player of the team throwing for goal, the goal if made shall not count, and if made or missed the ball shall be awarded to the opponents out of bounds on the end. If violated by a player of the opposite team, the goal if made shall count and if missed another free throw shall be allowed. This free throw is a throw substituted for the one originally awarded; if missed and it was originally a single free throw from personal foul, the ball is in play. If violated by players of both teams, the goal if made shall not count, and whether made or missed the ball shall be tossed up at center. A personal foul may be called for rough work on the free throw lanes. On free throws following technical fouls and double fouls, players shall not line up along the free throw lanes, If the team has been awarded a multiple throw, the center ball and out-of-bounds ball provisions of the foregoing paragraph apply only to an infraction on the last free throw. ues.—Is it legal for a player along the free throw lane to touch the line bounding the lane during a free throw? Ans.—No. SECTION 8. Run with the ball, kick it, or strike it with the fists. NOTE—Kicking the ball is a violation only when it is a positive act; accidentally striking the ball with the foot or leg is not a violation. Ques.—What is kicking the ball? Ams.—Kicking the ball is Striking it intentionally with the knee or any part of the leg or foot below the knee. It is a fundamental of basketball that the ball must be played with the hands. SECTION 9. Pass the ball to another player while ing a free Ball trial for a goal, but must make an ttempt Misses Ring to throw it into the basket. On a free throw follow- ing which the ball would ordinarily be in play, if the ball does not enter the basket, or touch the ving (ORE ackBoard) i shall be