DARTMOUTH COLLEGE ATHLETIC COUNCIL HANOVER - NEW HAMPSHIRE March 6, 1939 The officials ccmmittec earnestly wishes to contribute something worth while to basketball. After talkins about basketball officiating with coaches from ail over the country, the committee on officials has decided it will be petter to concen- trate on one sroblem this year. Through different Pe of the country, out mostiy th (the « Glseonn section, there are officials trying to put on an sir bb tion b. shoutins at the ton of their lumzs exslaining the reason for the whistle, and no one can understand thom. Even the slayers themselves can't understand and are mystified. This has zone far enough, and it is time for the rules com- mittee to instruct officials that they should use siznals to signify the infractions and not words. Some sisnals are already in use, and if they e meet with approval can be made universal. We believe that the only way to silence these officials and make them realize that the game still belongs to the players is to have the eles committce out instructions to them in the Rule Book. Will vou kindly ive careful thought to the neue te" * sus in and be ready to discuss it at the meeting? Very truly yours, O. B. Cowles, Officials Committee