At the time TI hurt my knee vou were out of town. Had you been present I have no doubt but that you could have done the same work for me that Dr. Shook did. The reason for my not going to Watkins Memorial Hospital was that I didn't care to spend a couple of weeks under diathermic treatment and still have the same injury after the treatment that I started with. Since I was going home the next day for Thankssiving vacation I could see no reason preventing my seeing Dr. Shook while I was heme and I thought that if high schools and junior colleges could handle such situations that surely a state university could also do the same, My parents have worked hard for every cent that they. have ever had, and if they had any extra money I might not be working most of mv way through college. The fact re- mains that thev have sacrificed throughout mv emtire ed- ucation so that I might participate in athletics and it seems to me that the action 6f the University in refusing to pay my bill is an insult to say the least. Perhaps the University does not feel that mv service# as a basketball plaver is worth eight dollars and maybe they are right. At anv rate I do not intend to continue giving my services, knowing that in case of intury I am just a "has been" and must look out for mvself and pay my doctor bills until I can get into good enough condition that the University feels they can use me again. Sincerely LL Marvin A averes fot lang