Bay 16th, 1941 Mr. Arthur Morse 10 South LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois Dear Arthur: I acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 9th instant. I imagine that you thought I was a little "bingy" that way I wrote my last letter to you, but I tell you definitely that I was very sober but much played for time. Your telegram asked for the 24th or Slst. Of course we could not play on the 24th, because we play Kansas State here on that date. But, I do not know where we got the idea of talking about the 28th. However, we will play you on the 3lst of January, in Chicago. Loyola is entire agreeable to have us as their opponents. We have had two good games and I see no reason why we should not con- tinue close and interesting competition. I presume that the same financial arrangerzents will be obtained this year. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation- Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCA: rc