June 17th, 1941 Ur. Ellison &. Ketchum University of Denver Department of Athletics Denver, Colorado Dear Mr. Ketehum: I em glad that it will be agreeable with you to play your University of Denver team. at Lawrence, Sansas, on December 17th. : We're sending the contracts for your signature. Flease sign the same and return one to our office for our records. - Sincerely yours, _ Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Versity Basketball end Baseball Coach. ‘FCA: re Mr. Forrest C. Allen Coach of Basketball University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Coach: We have faculty approval for our suggested trip which calls for a game with University of Kansas at Lawrence on Wednesday, December 17. Your suggested guarantee is acceptable and we await your confirmation of the game. Sincerely yours, 6 hse SO EkKia + Mr. ForrestC. Allen Coach of Basketball University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Coach: We are definitely planning on making the trip but have had a little difficulty arranging the details of our schedule. It would appear that we are just about set to come and will appreciate greatly your holding this date for us. The proposed offer seems. / satisfactory. With kindest personal regards,from myself ard Cac Hubbard, I am Very . yours, ce, , Coach of ouneree May 16th, 1941 Coach E, E, Ketchum Department of Athletics University of Denver Denver, Colerado Dear Coech Ketchum: I*m wondering what arrangements, if any, you made for the tentative date. We're holding that date open and would like to know so we can schedule another team if you're not coming our wey. Kindest regards. Sineerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. PCA: re April 11, 1941 Coach Be Me Ketchun — Devartment of Athletics University of Denver ‘Denver, Colorado Dear Coach Ketohuns aes sus weiderinc F's 20s cnn cht an option of 50% of the gate, after deducting officials expenses, would be satisfactory with yous We count student tickets at 20¢ apiece and add them into the gross a reckoning the settlement on optionse 3 I believe that we could pley you the 17th of | Hecenber, if the other matters are satisfactorye Please reply at once as we are making up our noiesonference schedules Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FAslsg Mr. Forrest C. Allen Coach of Basketball University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Coach: We are planning on a basketball trip through the Middle West the week of December 15th, and are wondering if it would be possible to arrange a game with you on Wednesday, December 17th. If so, what guarantee would you be able to offer us? Would it be convenient for you to answer soon in order that we may eonelude the arrangements for our 1941-42 schedule. With kindest regards, I am Very truly your mee ee Coach of Basket et ball wees Mr. Forrest C. Allen Coach of Basketball Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Coach Allen: Insofar as we have not heard from several schools in regard to the possibility of playing games on our proposed trip, it has been impossible for me to answer your letter of April ll. May I say that your arrangement sounds quite satisfactory, and provided other games are forthcoming, we will, no doubt, complete arrangements at your discretion. You may rest assured that you will hear from us immediately upon having such information available. Sincerely yours, be of rss s EXK:a This is a full-rate ; ‘ DL=Day Letter Telgetne es Pete eS ; NT=Overnight Telegram erred character is in- x { 40) LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable = symbol above or pre- é NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. C. WILLEVER L Ship Rediogram A PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination 107 OaNEY NO 19 36 141 DEC 2 pi 4 42 KKAV107 S=NEWTON KANS 12 358P e DR FORREST C ALLEN= 2 ae aes ‘UNTV OF KANS ly ty 2SEND CUTS INFORMATION OF TEAM COACHING RECORD AND ROSTER= :OTTO UNRUH: THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE December ats 1941. Mir. W. S, Burmell, Manager, | Hotel Ripley, Newton, Kansas. ; Dear Mr, Bunnell: Thank you for your note of the 16th instant. We are leaving Lawrence at 10:02 Thursday morning, and will arrive in Newton et 1:55 pems where will be 20 or 21 in our party. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Biucation and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. ge | «In Connection with your re- “ gervation at our hotel Thursday, the 18th of December - Could you advise us about what time you will arrive in Newton so that we may have oe ready for your Convenier ef Thank you kindly, and looking forward to your visit, we are, Yours truly, WS urnett W.S. Bunnell. Manager. December 17, 1941. Mr. Paul BE. Baker, Peabody, Kansas. Dear Mrs Bakers _ We are counting on the Baker family, including Grandfather Baker, as our guests at the basketball game with Bethel College Thursday night. We expect to arrive in Newton at 1:35 pem. and will be at the Hotel Ripley during the afternoon. If you will get in touch with me there I will see that you get your tickets. We are looking forward with a great deal of pleasure to seeing you and your fine family. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FOA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. December 17, 1941. Dre We Ce Jessen, Peabody, Kansas. Dear we Jessens Thank you most sincerely for reminding ue of our promise to have the Bakers as our guests at the Bethel game. I am sending lr. Baker « special delivery letter today, telling him that we are counting on then, including Grandfather Baker. We also want you and Mrs. Jessen as our guests, and if you will get in touch with me at the Hotel Ripley Thursday afternoon I will see that you get your tickets. It will be a pleasure to see yous With appreciation of your kindness, and with best wishes to you and Mrs. Jessen, I am Very sincerely yours, Diresotor of Physical Bducation and Recroation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coaches W. C. Jessen, D. D. S. a Kansas November 22, 1941 Mr. Otte D. Unruh Bethel Coliege Newton, Kansas Dear Otto, I have just written to Nr. BE. A. Thomas that Pierce Astle and Rudolph laub will be OK. as far as I em concerned for the Kansas-B¢ game on Decerber 18. I will count on these two officials ‘then, unless I hear some- thing to the contrarye Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation Poa/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach P.S. As you are probably aware, Quigley titote me that he would not be able to work the game. P.C.A. ‘Noverber 22, 1941 ur e E kK. Thions : Commissioner Ks. State High School Activites Ass. Room 409 Netional Reserve Building Topeka, Kansas : + Thies is just a line to let you imow that Pierce Astle and Rudolph Uhrlaub will be 0.K. as far as I am concerned for our game with Bethel College on December 18. I just received word from Gutgley that he wentt be able to work it. Sincerely, Director of Physical Educetion and Recreation FCR/pe Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach Bethel College North Newton, Kansas November 19, 1941 ‘Dr, Forrest 0, Allen University of Kansas | _ Lawrence, Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: Mr. E. A. Thomas is the athletic coninissioner for the Kansas Athletic Conference, I have instructed him to get Mr. Quigly for our game. Bill Hennigh is not availeble. I think that Piers Astle and Dutch Uhrlaub are the next best officials. In fact Astle is as ee as —e official around this part of the state, Our puilding is coming along in fine ake and we will be very happy to be in there, I thinkwit will make a dif-. Je in the eeu ee of our future basketball. Right now 4 am’ ‘momentarily relaxing from an enjoy- able football season, It is rather tough to go from one sport right into another without really having a ce to catch a breath in between. i will let you know as soon as lir, Thomas has notified me as to whether we will be able’ to get Mr. Quigly. ae gery can. | not come would Astle and Ubriaup eee S Otto D. SLi ceoeteed October 23, 1941 Mr. B. A. ei Commissioner Kansas State High School Activities Ass. SOEs: waneas Dear Tomy, Along in the summer. Otto Unruh talked to me about officials, but I've forgotten the names that we discussed. If he has _ not already engaged some the officials you mentioned are en- tirely satisfactory. I was under the impression that he mentioned Quigley and Nennigh. I waggent ‘that = write Otto and see what has been done. Sincerely, Director of Physitoal Education and Recreation FCA/pe Varsity Basketball Coach a OFFICE PHONE 2-0370 RESIDENCE PHONE 2-O175 lenses SrTare Hien enol, ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION E.A.THOMAS MEMBER OF NATIONAL FEDERATION OF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS COMMISSIONER : ROOM 409- NATIONAL RESERVE BUILDING TOPEIEA October 17, 1941 Dr. F. C. Allen, Head Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: I have been serving as commissioner of officials for the Kansas Conference and on the schedules turned in to me I notice your team is to play at Bethel College on Thursday evening, Decem- ber 18. Of course, the smaller colleges cannot pay the fees that the larger schools pay and hence we are rather restricted in the range of officials. However, we have some fine young officials who are working the conference games and I think we have men available who will be very satisfactory to you. In that section of the state perhaps the leading basketball officials are Pierce Astle, Rudolph Uhrlaub and Carl Kopelk of McPherson; Bill Hennigh and Percy Fossey of Hutchinson; Melvin Binford of El Dorado Junior College; LeRoy Sandberg of Salina; and Pike Gawthrop of Wichita. How would Astle and Uhrlaub suit you for this game? With best wishes, I am Very cordially yours, E. R. STEVENS, PRESIDENT INDEPENDENCE J. R. JONES, VICE-PRESIDENT - GARDEN CITY E. A. FUNK, TREASURER / C : aren ore BE. A. Thomas, D. E. W ° . aie se EAT:el Commissioner. J. E. BOWERS SENECA HUGH W. SPEER HAYS 7 ' October 25, 1941 Mr. Otte Unruh | ‘Director of Athletics Bethel College | Newton, Kenseas Dear Otto, | a T have a letter from B.A. Thomas saying that he wes serving | as commissioner of officials at the Kansas Conference. I . thought. you and I had checked together on officials. Have you made-any arrangements? Write me right away so that ZI can reply sumadiatety to Mr. Thomas. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach August 14, 1941. Wr. Otto D. Varuh, Athletic Director, Bethel College, Newton, Kensas. Dear Otto: Your letter of the llth instent received, and your explanation is perfeotly satisfactory. I will be happy to hear from you when your faculty reprea- entative returna. ind too, I am glad that your gymeasium is coming along in great shape. I believe that we wili have a fine crowd. With all good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Bethel College North Newton, Kansas August=11, 1941 Dr. Forrest CG. Allen University of Kanses Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I suppose You have been waiting for the contracts for our basket ball game for the coming season. As soon as our faculty representeativé comes back from his summer vacation I will have the contracts drawn up and sent to you. Our building is progressing nicely and I think we will have one of the finest gymnasiums in this part of the country. There is also a great deal of enthusiasm in this part of the state forithe game. I know it will be a real privilege for e11 of us to heve you and your team here, Hoping that you are having an enjoyable vacation, Sincerely yours KU 82 TELEGRAM Otto D. Unruh Newton, Kansas Out last night, commencement address. Could see you today 4:00 o'clock. Leaving town 5:00 o'clock. Forrest C. Allen Bethel Collece North Newton, Kansas April @1, 1941 Dr. Forrest 0, Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens The Dean has finally arranged our school calendar for next year. I was hoping that I would be able to let you know at an earlier date as to the date of the basketball game for next year. We close for the Christmas vacation December 19, Could you play us either December 17 or 18? Preferably the eichteenth, which is on a Thursday? As to the financial arrangement, you probably have some suggestions, or maybe I should come to Lawrence some time this spring. Our building is coming along nicely and will be a great place to pley. I anticipate a sell out and we are, of course, anxious to reise as much money as possible in order to help pay for the »Duildine. I am coming to Ottawa, Kansas, Jey the second, g - | “ : a ESS eee a i ee Z 4 ; ? : 4. ee ped nsra tbo tg and could probably see you‘llay the third, on : : 7 i= — eam ee, v Snr sty ne ee AF IRENE May I hear from you at your earliest convenie Sincerely yours, ry c Otto D. Unruh Athletic Director ODU:su \\ wv Pe of" oy April 22, 1941 Mre Otto De Unruh Athletic Director Bethel College North Newton, Kansas hear Mre Unruh: Your letter of April 21 regarding a yvossible basketball game on December 18 has been received. Dre Allen is out of town at the present time, but your letter will be brought to his attemtion as soon as he roturnse Sincerely yours, Secretary to ire Forrest Ce Allen DE PAUL UNIVERSITY « DEPARTMENT GF ATHLETICS 2235 Sheffield Avenue « Chicago ¢ Illinois » Telephone Diversey 4340 DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS Paul J. Mattei ATHLETIC BOARD Hon. John A. Sbarbaro Rev. Joseph G. Phoenix, C. M. Rev. Comerford J. O'Malley, C. M. GRADUATE MANAGER Harry D. Taft Paul J. Mattei Arthur B. Morse January 26, 1942 Dr. Forrest C. Alien Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I am sending this directly to you instead of the publicity department as I know that you will see to it that they cooperate with us. I have received nothing from the publicity department in the way of publicity pictures, rosters or any other information that would help us in this game. It is very necessary that I receive as many sets as are available of pic- tures, action shots preferred, and as many ros- ters as are available immediately together with all publicity material that you, as a great show- man, know will be valuable to us. With-very best regards, I remain Very sincerely yours, Qiu Woes a Graduate Manager of paubetia P.S. On Saturday January 14th, we drew fifteen thousand people at the Chicago Stadium. Let us hope that we do as well when Kansas University comes to town.