Bethel Collece North Newton, Kansas April @1, 1941 Dr. Forrest 0, Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens The Dean has finally arranged our school calendar for next year. I was hoping that I would be able to let you know at an earlier date as to the date of the basketball game for next year. We close for the Christmas vacation December 19, Could you play us either December 17 or 18? Preferably the eichteenth, which is on a Thursday? As to the financial arrangement, you probably have some suggestions, or maybe I should come to Lawrence some time this spring. Our building is coming along nicely and will be a great place to pley. I anticipate a sell out and we are, of course, anxious to reise as much money as possible in order to help pay for the »Duildine. I am coming to Ottawa, Kansas, Jey the second, g - | “ : a ESS eee a i ee Z 4 ; ? : 4. ee ped nsra tbo tg and could probably see you‘llay the third, on : : 7 i= — eam ee, v Snr sty ne ee AF IRENE May I hear from you at your earliest convenie Sincerely yours, ry c Otto D. Unruh Athletic Director ODU:su \\ wv Pe of" oy