SETS I PE Ee ES aise Hee gid ing REAR ay ad s = re _U. S. NAVAL TRAINING STATION 63/rs GREAT LAKES, ILLINOIS 16 October 1941 Mr. dack Gardner, — Head Coach of Basketball, Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas. , Dear Mr. Gardner: : I appreciate, very much, your letter of October 14th, and hope plans can be arranged for the Naval Training Station Basketball team to come to Kensas State for a game this season. I think it desirable to arrange for a series of three or four games on a trip of this nature in order to reduce the guarantee required, Plans are under way for games with Neb- raska, Kansas, and Missouri; and it might be that a schedule could be arranged to play these, or other colleges in your locality, on this trip. Your date of January 28 would be moat acceptable to us as our tentative date with Nebraska is Janue. ary 24. Wont you get in touch with Phog Allen, Badwards at Missouri; and Washburn, in Topeka; or other nearby colleges; and see what games coulda pe arranged for January 26 and 27. We would, of course, like to play at Missouri on January 29, as we return east, ir possible, : We plan to travel with a party of 18 men, and if at least four games can be arranged; we can come for a guarantee of $275 — each university, with an option on 50% of the net cash gave. eas I will appreciate what you might do toward contacting other coaches and arranging games for this trip. Let me hear from you at your earliest convenience. nt 7. RUSSELL GOOK Lieutenant ,USNR Athletic Officer