eo U. S. NAVAL TRAINING STATION NM3/P10-1(6) GREAT LAKES, ILLINOIS 63/rs 15 October 1941 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Varsity Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: I am glad to have your letter of October 10th, and hope we can work out details for a game in Lawrence this season. I am enclosing a copy of the letter I have written to Mr. Edwards of Missouri on this subject, and hope arrangements can be worked out to play Kansas atid.Missouri on the same trip in accordance with the terms stated. Should the February dates be unsatisfactory, you may select other open dates and they will be satisfactory. Let me hear from you as soon as possible as I am sure it will be to our mutual advantage to get dates and details settled as soon as possible. ee: CE off C J.-RUSSELL COOK Lieutenant , USNR Athletic Officer Enclosure CC: Mr. George R. Edwards