IN REPLY PLEASE U. S. NAVAL TRAINING STATION 3/PLO-1 (6) GREAT LAKES, ILLINOIS 63/rs 15 October 1941 Mr. George 4, Edwards, Coach of Basketball, University of Missouri, Columbus, Missouri. Dear Mr. Edwards; I have your letter of October 9th, and am sorry I did not have the correct information concerning the action of your conference in regard to scheduling basketball games with service teams this season. However, I do hope that the action taken at the December meeting will permit us to play Missouri and the other conference teams. Should these games be approved, I would like to suggest arrangements be made so our team could play both the University of Missouri, and the University of Kansas on the same trip. I have a letter, today, from Phog Allen, end he favors a game, subject to conference approval, if it can be worked in his mchedule. Would it be possible for you and Phog to get in touch with each other and agree for mid-week games on suc- cessive nights in February. I am enclosing our tentative sched- ule and any mid-week dates selected in February will be satis- factory. However, I wish you would let me know as soon as you have selected dates in order that we can proceed with schedule arrangements. : I estimate the expense would be $675.42 traveling with a party of 18. I would suggest a guarantee of $337.71 from each university, with an option on 50% of the net cash gate. In | addition to playƩng before students and basketball followers, we hope to raise funds for the Navy Relief Society. All funds received from our basketball games in excess of expenses, will be turned over to the society, and we are asking that a state- ment on this be included in the contract consistent with the enclosed mimeographed copy. John Lobsiger will report for duty in just a few days, and I will tell him to write you. I met him last summer and he im- pressed me most favorably. I know he is a fine boy, and will be a grand addition to our talent.