THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF BAND January 20, 1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Department of Physical Education and Head Basketball Coach University of Kansas Campus Dear Dr. Allen: This will confirm our negotiations regarding the band making the trip to Kansas City for the basketball game on Thursday evening, February 5th. I have taken up the matter with the local bus man-— ager, Mr, Manning, who promises an answer by next Monday. He feels sure that we will have no difficulty iff getting transportation, I had a call in for the Chancellor at 2:30 this afternoon but as : yet have been unable to contact him regarding taking the band out . of school for part of the afternoon. I, personally, would like to do it and we may try to go for a half day which will give us a concert in Wyandotte with ample time for serenading the newspapers on the other side of the river, You will please let me know the exact time the game is called and we will plan to be seated approximately 45 minutes in advance for lots of balleyhoo before the toss up. Will plan on featuring the baton twirlers at the half and they will include Robert Bellamy, Field Drum Major, Dorothy Nicholson, Drum Majorette, James Berkson in charge of the twirling team, Bob Woolverton, twirler, George Rhoades, who will twirl his metal stick with an additional act with his fire baton, and Billy Sears, who will twirl his metal stick plus an additional act with his two electric batons. This combine- tion makes a fine show with an excellent climax. We will want lights out immediately when the fire baton enters the floor, All plain metal baton>work will be done before this act which will be follow- ed by the electric baton with the lights out. Will be glad to hear from you regarding further questions on our duties at the game. As you know, we will want to do everything pos- sible to help make the evening enjoyable. Yotrs very sincerely, Russell L, Wiley jm