Ur. Bugene Zachman, Director, Municipal Auilteriun, Kansas City. Moe Dear Mr. Zachman: T have just received a letter from Lt. Thompson of the Great Lakes Training Station stating that he has sent you publicity material, etc., for their team, and that he will continue to send you such material from time to time, We are going forward with plens to have the University of Kansas Band play at the game. I have just talked with Professor Russell Le “iley, Director of the Band, and he is very enthusiastic about the trip. lie will have 105 in his band. They will perhaps play at ‘yandotte High School, and serenade the Star and the Journal. However, plans on this are not final as yet. . You mentioned something about a drill team between halves, but I believe with the band we will have something that will be more entertaining for the crowd. Ur. ililey has a specialty with lighted batona, and with the lights in the hall turned out this is a great spectacle. It lasts about 8 minutes, and I am sure the crowl will enjoy ite a sai petiednd tine tenieeh Gt SAK cians dite: ties ‘Wiley, and will send any added information on to yous Very sincerely yours, _ Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.