DEPARTMENT OF PAYSICAL EDUCATION University of Kensas April 1, 1941 Dear Varsity and Freshmen Basketball Players: Re: Kansas Relays. We heve invited a great group of outstanding pasketbell pleyers in Kanses high schools to come up to the University the morning of the Kansas Releys, April 19, and shoot some gosls with our Varsity and Freshman playerse A large number of these high school boys have enthusiestically responded to be present here Saturdsy morning, April 19, at 10:00-6 é Doubtless some of you will be busy the morning of the Kanses Relays, but we would like to heve as many of you as possible come up to the gym and work out with these high school visitors. It would be well for you to be here about 9:30 so you would be suited up and ready before the, high school boys arrives I an appointing each of you as a committee ef one to introduce your=- selves and meke these high school boys feel at homes. The Varsity and Freshmen will wear Varsity uniforms and we will just work out with these high school boyse Correction: Previously I wrote to you and stated that the Kansas City Relays Club of Kansas City, Missouri, wes giving @ bancuet for our Basketball Team and the Freshmen living in or near Kansas City. I find now thet this will be an after dinner get-together instead of ® banauet, so it will be necessary for you to eat at home before leavinge Coach Gwinn Henry and the footbell staff are also going downe ‘They suggested that we leave about & querter of seven. However, if any besketball players ere pleying baseball, we perheps could take one car and start a few minutes lester, sey 7:00, which will give us a little more time to dress. ‘The get-together will be held at the University Club, 918 Baltimore Avenue, Kansas City, Missourie Coaches Henry, Hurt, Lansing, end Yeplozel will drive carse Please let Miss Gerstenberger mow whether or not you plan to attend this get= together : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Wducation and Recreation Varsity Basketbell end Baseball Coach oe ae le 7 : Bateark OS nes P kite pe