rahe ety lig SY A Mane RAE A Ne pte echt @ pars 3 fe De a atid the following boys attended the third annual basket ball. "get together" at the University of Kansas on April 10th, 194) _ “Ye dim Nebergai2 2. Den Toovs Se Floyd McHenry oe Stenley Mollhagen Se “dle Vargon Ge Kenny Thompson Te Bill Welkor Se Ransom Bennett, dre 9s Bob Dalton 10. Junius Penney lle Hoyt Baker 12, Bill Mowery 1S» B41] Forsyth 14» Curtis Hinshaw 156 John Arnold 166 Bob Otis 17. Hugh Haire 18— Kenny Vaughn 19» Guy Mitchell 206 Kenny Grass 21. Everett Byboe 224 Gerald Bramon 28 Jimny Irick 24 Walt Quising 25. Re He Spencer 26 Donaldean Maison a7e Charley Davis Newton, Kansas ‘Newton, Kansas Kansas City, Moe (Central) Kansas City, Kansas (Wyandotte) Kansas City, Kansas (Wyandotte) Hutchinson, Kansas Ottewa, Kensas Wichita, Kansas lawrence, Kansag Peabody, Kansas Salina, Kansas Medicine}odge, Kansag lawrence, Kansas Baldwin, Kansas (Baker University) Herrington, Kansas Hutchinson, Kansas Paola, Kansas Russell, Kansas Shawnee, Mission, Kansas