Ghrites ress Assatiations INCORPORATED 'N NEW YORK \ eee GENERAL OFFICES NEWS BUILDING NEW YORK CITY HEADQUARTERS, SOUTHWEST DIVISION JOURNAL-POST BLDG., KANSAS CITY, MO. February 27, 1941. Dr. F.C. Allen, Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Docs: Sometime next week, I'd like to release the United Press All Big Six conference basketball team. at your selections are available by next Tuesday, March 4, would you please mail them to me then? I am waiting until after this big week end which ic coming up, since the three games played on Saturday and the one on Monday may influence you and the others in your final selections. I am enclosing a blank and a self-addressed envelope for your convenience. TWahks and/best regards, if Carl Lundquist.