DOCe 235 Dimer, SFE to Chicago, $22010, Taxi Allerton Hotel, ; Red Caps, Stes $6055 es eo oe $28.65 Fruit $1.50, Gam. 250, Drinks $2 945 one eee meen w eee 4045 DOGe. 24 Hotel Allerton, Lodging, Breakfast and service ---*+2-+-+2s== = 56625 Taxi Hotel to Miche Central and Red Cap service «++ <-« +e +e ss 585 Ann Arbor Lynch and service $12.40, Supper and show $18.65 «+8+=<=+«<«-«# 1,05 Taxi Depot to Union Bldg, Yellow Cab Truck Tues PM & Wed PM e+ ~- <== 850 Dece 25 Michi gan Union and meals —-— a se ee se 31.50 Niagara Falls meals (2) $22.50, Sight seeing $11625 «++ <«<«-+ === 353,75 Baggage checking Niagara $5.10, Pullman service Buffalo, West Point $3.00 » = « 8el0 DECe 26 SS AAR RET Breakfast and luncheon, Garrison, New York -s+3s<«=s#s+ esses == 24680 Taxi and Red Caps, West Point, New York « «sa «s. es saw am & © @ 5040 Taxi Piccadilly Hotel, porter and service = esewasenneaenen 6680 Supper, New York ee wee wee ewww ene ee en neem ema mem 16685 faxi, team to Madison Square Garden, workout and return «+ -< «+ = = 7°70 iG Dece 27 Sight Seeing Rubberneck Bus, New Yorke =<«« e+ eee = seen em w 22650 Dece 28 Show, Radio City, New York = wees www www n ee ene wen oe 14985 Taxi to Radio City & return (2 trips) «eee ee ee wee ew ewe 9e80 Dece 29 Hotel Piccadilly (Dees 26, 27, 28, 29) and meals $232.50, Phones & Wires $10.65 «we we mn wee -~ = = = 2435615 Gum. 50, fruit $150, medicine $2.60, lemons e290 @e# #e© ese @ = ow w 5-50 Dinner dance, Hotel Lincoln after game (team and guests) +-<-«-+-== 55400 Service to Bell Boys, mids and porters, 3 days, Piccadilly, NY - « « 14.60 Taxi to Garden for Game and return, Dee 28, Fordham «= = «*® «= © =» oo 6980 Taxi, boys returned to hotel then went out again=-=-8 «8 e-em =e 4985 Taxi, Perma, Depot for Phila, Red Caps -+ + eee een ee eernnn 6640 Taxi and red caps, Swarthmore «988 «8«sesees seesaw wane eewe 6690 Railroad fare, Phila. to Swarthmore Sunday night ~s5e 8 we ee wan ow oe 7ok5 Dece 30 Railroad fare, Swarthmore to Phila, and return tour Independencé Hall 12.80 Liberty Bellodand:return a ee Taxi and transportation, Phila-«=8«-<«-ee «+ s#e ease ee eee 4,85 Hotel Swarthmore & meals (Dece 29, 30, 31) ee eee ee eee www em 159922 Chartered Bus, Swarthmore Phila & return Temple Game, 6:30 PM until 22:30 AM 21040 After game meal, Philadelphia, team and friends ----+-e-+-+-+<+=+=+ 26580