ITINERARY OF V/PSITY BASKETBALL TEAM The following boys will make the trip to Nebraska and Iowa State: ‘Fngleman — Fd Hall - Kline Vance Hell - Allen Yalker Hunter Buescher Sollenberger Sanneman The team will leave at 8:02 pe me tonight, Santa Fe, but the Ku Ku's heve reported a rally at 7:30 so I suggest that you boys get there early enough and do not hide in any dark corners when this small band of Gideons and Gideonites want to pay honor to youe We leave on the Burlington end our car will be ready for occupancy at 9:30, but we will make it 10:30 before we report to our Pullmane ve will stay in Lincoln Saturdey night and lesve Lincoln Sunday morning at 7:30 ae me, arriving ©t Omaha, Nebraska, at 8:25 on the stresmliner. We will leave Omaha at 8:55 ae me, arriving at Ames over the Chicago North= western at 12:43 pe me We will stay et the Sheldon Munn Hotel in Ames, lowe We will drive to Des Moines and leave Des Moines on the Rock Island at 12:55 Be Me (the pullman will be reecy for occupancy at 10:00 o. m.-), erriving at Kansas City at 7:25 ae me Tuesdey. We will eat breakfast at the Hervey House as usual and each train connection is prompte We will leave Kansas City at 8:00 o'clock on the Santa Fe, arriving at Lewrence at 8:45 ae me If we miss the 8:00 o'clock train we will get out of Kaness Fr at 9: " arriving at Lawrence at 10:02. FCA:lg:min Director of Physical Education and Yecreation 3 Varsity Basketball Coach