Re Athletic Association (Incorporated) Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College Stillwater, Oklahoma May 28th, 1941 be, +, Dhes Basketball Coach Kansas University Lawrence, “ansas Dear Dr. Allen: The reason I have been holding off on answering your letter concern- ing basketball schedule is that our Athletic Cabinet feels that we should make a change in financial arrangements of contract. Since the money received for our student season tickets is not prorated to individual sports, but is put in general fund, our Cabinet feels that student season tickets should not be counted in net gate receipts. Uur student tickets are sold to the student at the beginning of each school year and we do not think that any one game on our schedule in any sport materially helps the sale of these tickets. In the past it has been necessary for us to pay Kansas more money from our basketball account than we deposited into the account for our share, due to fact that student season tickets are not prorated to our basketball account. 1 would be glad for you to think about this and take it up with your Cabinet if you think it necessary. ie are ready to enter into agreement for games this coming season on same basis as in the past with exception of counting student season tickets in figuring option. Naturally, we feel that public season tickets should be counted. I am enclosing copy of our schedule and would appreciate hearing from you at your convenience. With very personal regards and wishing you a pleasant summer, / an, Sincerely yours, H. P. The HPI:I Athletic Director | | | | Ni is ii a Se Dl pia Uegerss atlas