Mr, €. 0. Burnside page two I'm wondering if you, as a good intermittere, could not innocently query Hank and tell him you heard no games were signeé up between Kansas and A & M and you wanted to know the real reason for it. On Mareh 6th, I wrote him confirming my wire in answer to his. This had reference to our game thet we played here, “arch llth. The reference to Mr. Dolman wes to the effect that we had not received the money for a game played Stillwater on Feb- ruary 17th. Last year we waited until August or September to get ovr money, and I cooperated with Mr. Faulkenstein in an effort to collect the basketball guarantee. In regerd to my letter of April 10th, in which I mentioned making mattérs difficult, this reference was made because it was last July or 4ugust before we got our two basketball games settled. The fact I sent in my sehedule shows definitely that we were willing to play, ined I dislike a. I'm ales sending you a copy of the letter I have written him this day. I did not reply to any of the wre except the reply concerning officials for last March. I will be happy to have a letter from you giving me your reaction of this situation. The reason I took the pertinate jab at him that I did in my letter of April 10th, was because I had talked with Reeves Peters, the Sig Six Commissioner, and he had talked with Henry about me. And also, I had talked with Henry and we had agreed to change schedule end he had not done so. Perhaps I was a little ; iey but if I promise a fellow something, I*ll do it, and I ne same thing from him. With all cood wishes to you, the Ers., and C.0.B., dre, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education | end Recreation-Varsity Basketball FCAsre fo end Baseball Coach.