ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION [INCORPORATED] Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA October 27, 1937 Dr. F, C. Allen, Chairman, 5th District Basketball Rules Committee, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: I want to thank you for the bulletin regarding the basketball rules meeting in Kansas City, December 4. The basketball coaches in our Conference have their interpretation meeting Saturday morning about the same time as your Conference. I am sure they will want to meet with the Big Six in a meeting after our meeting, as we interchange games with the Big Six Conference. I am sure that I would want to see the basketball picture that you are going to have in Kansas City. I think it is mighty fine that it will be possible to have the picture there during the meeting. Looking forward to seeing you in Kansas City, I am oo OL a. P, A HPI:1 Dir. of Athletics.