UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS November 6, 19376 Dear Fellow Coaches and Officials: The annual Rules Interpretation meeting of the National Basketball Committee of the United States and Canada, Fifth District of the N.C.A.A., will be held at the Hotel Kansas Citian, on December 4th. We trust that you can be present for the meeting. : The open meeting is scheduled to start at 2 pam. The Big Six coaches will meet in their own closed session from 9 to 11 a&em. The same schedule will be maintained by the coaches of the Missouri Valley Conference. A joint meeting of the two conference coaches for uniformity of interpretation will be held from 1l a.m. to 12 nm. So as to conform with the coaches mooting and at the same time to provide some instructive and informative ontertainment, a basketball movie talkie will be shown to all coaches and officials, no players admitted, from 12 to 1:30 peme This picture was show last summor and it shows the basket- ball styles of Dave McMillan, of Minnosota; Dr. H. C. Carlson, of Pitts- burgh; Clair Bee, of Long Island; George Keogan, of Notre Dame; John Bunn, of Stanford; and the writer. Chuck Taylor, of the Converse Com- pany, directed the picture. The Phillips "66" team was used as the demonstration team for all of the coaches to show their style. All who have seen the picture pronounce it an excellent portrayal of different styles of basketball. I trust that you will be present to lend your personality in making this open meeting one of the most onjoyable and profitable yet held. \chairhan, th District ising Statos of Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma ) N.CeAsAe Basketball Rules Committee. Very spt yours, \ \ = a ‘ P.S. Some of you coaches far from Kanses City might get togcther and make the trip in one car. We bolieve the mooting will be worth whilo.