3 IMINARY SYNOPSIS OF ACTION ON RULE CHANG: yors: his is merely a preliminary synopsis for your information, ‘. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. No attempt has been made to properly word any of the changes and there may even be some omissions of minor actions. Complete copy of minutes will be forwarded at a later date. It was voted to eliminate the center jump after field goals. The ball is to be put in play immediately by the opponents | of the scoring team from the end of the court. Details will correspond with those which have been in use in the Pacific Coast Conference, It was voted to retain the three-second lane rule as it now is, The questionnaires indicated overwhelming sentiment in favor of sueh retention and while various arguments were pre- sented on both sides of the question it was felt that the eremee yess Se more satisfactory than any of the various re- aaah shanies. The comments 0” sereening and blocking which were drawn up during the early part of the week by Messrs. Tower and Bunn and ap ed by the National Coaches ‘ssociation were ap- proved, The editor is instructed to make such revision in — wording or arrangement as may seem desirable and to substitute this statement for part of the comments which are now in- cluded under the heading of “blocking”. The term “face —. is to be removed and the present Seetion 13 of Rule 7 will be replaced with a statement that in case a player disregards the ball and faces an opponent, etc., the responsibility for contact which may ensue is primarily on the player who does this, The Res®®eh Committee was instructed to prepare an article relative to the possibilities in the ultimate use of baskets which would be placed higher than the present 10 feet. The questionnaire Committee was instructed $s seenene = with the Research Committee in educational activity along this line, Rule 14-13, This rule is to be amended in such a way that it will be a violation for a defensive player to “touch the ball with his hand while the hand is in the space formed by the eylinder above the basket which has for its base the pasket ring. It will also be a violation if a player touches the pall with his hand while that hand or wrist is in contact with 7. the ring. The question of allowing s team to decline the penalty for 4 free throw for the privilege of taking the ball out of bounds at the end of the division line was referred to the Questionnaire Committee for further study, ‘lso the editor was instructed to make it clear that a deliberate foul committed near the end of playing time should result in an extra free throw,